Agent Details Dashboard

Metric NameDescriptionCalculationMetric Type
Agent NameThe name of the agent.No calculationString
Total CallsTotal number of calls handled by the agent. This includes Inbound (Answered), and Outbound (Connected and Not Connected).sum(count(Inbound Answered), count (Outbound Connected), count(Outbound Not Connected))Number
Total Talk TimeTotal of the actual talk time between the agent and the customer for inbound and outbound calls.sum(Talk Time for call type = Inbound Answered + Outbound Connected)Time in seconds
Time Spent per Status Time the agent spent in each status during a specific time frame segmented by status type.sum(Talk Time for call type = Inbound + Outbound)Stacked bar graph legend with durations
Agent Status Agent Status represents the default status: available, after-call work, on a call, busy, or away.No calculationTime in seconds
Total Status Duration Time in seconds spent in status per user.Status_finished - Status_startedTime in seconds
Total Inbound Calls Total number of inbound calls handled by the agent.count(call type = Inbound)Number
Average Speed To AnswerThe average time the agent took to answer calls.avg(Speed to Answer when call type = Inbound)Time in seconds
Number of Inbound Calls By TypeNumber of inbound calls received during a specific time frame segmented by call type. The call types can be Answered, Missed, or Voicemail.count(call type = inbound answered, missed, voicemail)Stacked bar graph legend with durations
Total Outbound Calls Total number of outbound calls placed by the agent.count(call type = Outbound and Outbound Not Connected)Number
Number of Outbound Calls By TypeNumber of outbound calls placed by the agent during a specific time frame segmented by call type. The call types can be Connected or Not Connected.

Note: The Missed and Voicemail calls will only include legacy calls (calls from dedicated lines or transfer calls). Missed and Voicemail calls controlled by Studio are not included.
count(call type = inbound answered, missed (legacy routing), voicemail (legacy routing))Stacked bar graph legend with durations
Connected Calls Total number of outbound calls placed by the agent that were answered.count(call type = Outbound Connected)Number
CSAT Average Average of the CSAT scores received.avg(CSAT scores)Number
CSAT Surveys SentNumber of CSAT surveys sent.count(CSAT surveys sent)Number
CSAT Responses Received Total number of CSAT scores answered by the contact person.count(CSAT scores received)Number
CSAT Response Rate Number of CSAT scores received versus the number of surveys sent.CSAT Responses Received/CSAT Surveys SentNumber
Avg. CSATAverage CSAT score during the selected timeframeavg(CSAT scores)Trend graph legend with durations
CSAT Response RateNumber of CSAT scores received versus the number of surveys sent during the selected timeframeCSAT Responses Received/CSAT Surveys SentTrend graph legend with durations