Outbound Dialer Calls

This report includes metrics related to the calls dialed through a predictive campaign of the Outbound Dialer.

Metric NameDescriptionMetric Type
Outbound Dialer Campaign NameThe name of the campaign.String
Outbound Dialer Record List NameThe name of the Record List.String
Talkdesk Phone NumberThe phone number from which the Outbound Dialer call/attempt was placed.String
Customer Phone NumberThe phone number the call/attempt was placed to. It corresponds to the phone number in the Outbound Dialer Record List.Number
Interaction IDThe unique identification of the call/attempt.String
Outbound Dialer Call Attempt NumberThe interaction's attempt number. This corresponds to how many attempts were made to the corresponding record, including the current interaction.String
Call Started TimeThe date and time record of when the call/attempt was handled. eg: if the call is accepted, then it's the accept time; if the call is denied, then it's the denied time; if the call is not handled by customer, it's the time that handled by systemDate time
Ring At CustomerThe total duration of the call/attempt rings for the customer.Time in seconds
In QueueThe total duration of how long the customer waits for an agent to pick up the call. If the call is not picked up by the customer, then it's null.Time in seconds
Ring At AgentThe total duration of the call/attempts ring for the agent. If the call is not picked up by the customer, or the customer hangs up when in queue, then it’s null.Time in seconds
Call Finished TimeThe date and time record of when the call/attempt ended or was missed.Date time
Outbound Dialer System DispositionThe final state of the call/attempt. The possibilities are:

- Connected to agent.
- No-answer.
- Invalid Number.
- Busy.
- Abandoned (calculated as abandoned contacts / (abandoned contacts + hangup before connection + connected).
- Answering Machine.
- Hangup before connection.
DispositionThe call disposition added by the agent at the end of a call, if applicable.String
DescriptionThe note the last agent took at the end of the call, if applicable.String
Outbound Dialer Callback ModeIf the call launched by the Outbound dialer was a callback or not. Only available to customers with Callback Scheduling enabled.yes/no
Outbound Dialer SIP Hangup CodeIf available, the SIP hangup code sent by the carrier.Number
Outbound Dialer Campaign Agent IDThe ID of the Outbound Dialer agent that handled the call, if applicable.String
Outbound Dialer Campaign Agent NameThe name of the Outbound Dialer agent that handled the call, if applicable.String
Outbound Dialer Campaign Agent EmailThe email of the Outbound Dialer agent that handled the call, if applicable.String
Outbound Dialer Campaign Transferred Agent IDThe id of the agent to which an Outbound Dialer call was transferred to.String
Outbound Dialer Campaign Transferred Agent NameThe id of the agent to whom an Outbound Dialer call was transferred.String
Outbound Dialer Campaign Transferred Agent EmailThe email of the agent to whom an Outbound Dialer call was transferred.String
Outbound Dialer Campaign IDThe ID of the campaign.String
Outbound Dialer Record List IDThe ID of the Record List.String
Outbound Dialer Record IDThe ID of the record.String
Total DurationThe total duration of the call/attempt. The time spent in "After Call Work time" is not included.Time in seconds