PM Trends
This dataset is available for accounts that have Performance Management (PM) enabled.
Desired Field | Description | Type | Format | Filter | Field Type | Metrics Calculation |
Agent | Concatenation of the Agent Name, e-mail, and ID. < Ex.: Name Surname ([60643r3de2aef33b6e396105] > | Text (string) | Yes | Dimensions | NA | |
Agent ID | Hexadecimal unique ID, automatically created by the platform. | Text (string) | Yes | Dimensions | NA | |
Agent Email | Email the agent used to create the account. | Text (string) | Yes | Dimensions | NA | |
Agent Name | Agent name. | Text (string) | Yes | Dimensions | NA | |
Team ID | Individual team identification. | Text (string) | Yes | Dimensions | NA | |
Team Name | Name of the team(s) the agent belongs to. | Text (string) | Yes | Dimensions | NA | |
Queue Names | Names of the Ring Groups (Queues). | Text (string) | Yes | Dimensions | NA | |
Count Agent | Agent ID Count. | Number | 0 | Yes | Calculated | count agent_id |
Count Distinct Agent | Distinct Agent ID Count. | Number | 0 | Yes | Calculated | count distinct agent_id |
Interval Type | The time interval for extracting values from Measures. (“Daily”, “Weekly”, “Monthly”). | Text (string) | Yes | Dimensions | NA | |
Measure Name | The name of the Measure where the data was collected. (QM Score, SMS Closed, etc.). | Text (string) | Yes | Dimensions | NA | |
Queue Type | The type of the queue when collected (“Single” or “All”). | Text (string) | Yes | Dimensions | NA | |
LeaderBoard Date | The data collection date that was processed for the Leaderboard. This date is not a timestamp value. It has the collection day for daily values, or it can indicate the first day of the month, when the Interval Type is “Weekly” or “Monthly”. | Time | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes | Dimensions | NA |
Goal Value | Goal value defined on the day of the collection. | Number | 0 | Yes | Dimensions | NA |
Mean Value | Mean of collected values according to Interval Type. | Number | 0 | Yes | Dimensions | NA |
Result Value | Measure values according to Interval Type and Measure Type. | Number | 0 | Yes | Dimensions | NA |
Volume | Events quantity for that Measure Type and Day. | Text (string | 0 | Yes | Dimensions | NA |
Status Goal Target | Indicates whether the expected value was reached or not (“On Goal” and/or “Out of Goal”). | Text (string | Yes | Calculated | measure >= goal ; measure < goal | |
Status Mean Target | Indicates whether the expected value was reached or not (“On Mean” and/or “Out of Mean”). | Text (string) | Yes | Calculated | measure >= mean ; measure < mean | |
Compare Performance Results - Current vs Previous Month | Compare performance results: Current vs previous month. | Number (Percent) | 0.00% | Yes | Dimensions | ((measure / measure_previous_month) - 1) |
Compare Performance Volume - Current vs Previous Month | Difference in Volume between the current month and previous month. | Number (Percent) | 0.00% | Yes | Dimensions | ((volume / volume_previous_month ) -1) |
Flag Positive Result - Current vs Previous Month (Yes / No) | Boolean flag to indicate agents who had improvements in Result compared to the previous month. | Boolean | Yes / No | Yes | Dimensions | compare_result_months >0 |
Missing Result for the Goal - Current Month | How much the agent needed to reach the goal. | Number (Percent) | 0.00% | Yes | Dimensions | (measure / goal >= 1 then 0 else 1 - measure / goal) |
Month Comparison - Current vs Previous Month | Months being compared for Trends Measure. | String (Date) | MM-YYYY - MM-YYYY | Yes | Dimensions | (l_day_previous_month, '%M-%Y') || ' - ' ||(leaderboard_day, '%M-%Y') |
Previous Month | Month prior to the current month selected. | Date | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes | Dimensions | (leaderboard_day - interval '1' month) |
Result - Previous Month | Measure Result of the month prior to the current month. *Note: Always check the current month of the survey to know that it is related to the Measure Result of Month -1.* | Number | 0 | Yes | Dimensions | Result from (leaderboard_day - interval '1' month) |
Result on the Goal - Current Month | Agent’s performance in relation to the goal. | Number (Percent) | 0.00% | Yes | Dimensions | measure / goal |
Volume - Previous Month | Measure Volume of the month prior to the current month. Always check the current month of the survey to know that it is related to the Volume of Month -1. | Number | 0 | Yes | Dimensions | Volume from (leaderboard_day - interval '1' month) |
AVG Result | AVG Result Total. | Number | 0 | Yes | Calculated | average(measure) |
AVG Volume | AVG Volume Total. | Number | 0 | Yes | Calculated | average(volume) |
Count Agent NON Positive Result - Current vs Previous Month | Distinctive count of agents who had no Results improvements compared to the previous month. | 0 | Yes | Calculated | compare_result_months < 0 | |
Count Agent Positive Result - Current vs Previous Month | Distinctive count of agents who had Results improvements compared to the previous month. | Number | 0 | Yes | Calculated | compare_result_months >0 |
Pivot Result | Pivot Result Total. This metric is for use with Pivot. E.g., with columned dates for the results of each month. | Number | 0 | Yes | Calculated | max(measure) |
Total Result | Sum Result Total. | Number | 0 | Yes | Calculated | sum(measure) |
Total Volume | Sum Volume Total. | Number | 0 | Yes | Calculated | sum(volume) |
Trend | Results in Percentage for agents with better performances between the previous month and the current month. | Number (Percent) | 0.00% | Yes | Calculated | (count_trend_positive_agent / count_distinct_agent_id) |
Trend Difference | Percentage results for agents who did not perform better between the previous month and the current month. | Number (Percent) | 0.00% | Yes | Calculated | 1 - trend |
Matched Goal and Trend | Indicates when the agent had improvements between the comparison months and also reached the goal. | Boolean | Yes / No | Yes | Calculated | compare_result_months <=0 and goal_target ; compare_result_months > 0 and goal_target |
Count Agent Positive Attainment - Improvement and Goal | Distinctive count of when the agent had improvements between the compared months and also reached the Goal in the current month. | Number | 0 | Yes | Calculated | count_distinct agent_id filters: [match_goal_trend_agent: "Yes"] |
Count Agent NON Positive Attainment - Improvement and Goal | Distinctive count of when the agent did or did not improve between the compared months, and also did not reach the Goal in the current month. | Number | 0 | Yes | Calculated | count_distinct agent_id filters: [match_goal_trend_agent: "No"] |
Attainment | Percentage of Agents that had improvements between the compared months and also reached the Goal. | Number (Percent) | 0.00% | Yes | Calculated | count_goal_trend_positive_agent / count_distinct_agent_id |
Filtering Considerations
The “PM Trends” dataset requires specific filters that must be applied to avoid unwanted results.
The “Interval Type” filter should be used with the “Monthly” aggregation type to prevent trend calculations from being applied to other interval types, such as weekly, among others.
Trends are only applied for comparison between “Monthly” results. Therefore, it is required to have the following filters applied:
- "Date": at least 2 months
- "Interval Type": “Monthly”
- "Queue Type": “All” or “Single”
Please note that in order to have valid calculations with the trends of each agent, you have to take into consideration the filters applied, and the dimensions used.
Tip: To prevent duplications (more than one value on the same event/measure), the dimensions selected to compose the dataset must be the same as the ones in the “PM Trends” section.
Updated about 2 years ago