Metric NameDescriptionCalculationMetric Type
CreatedThe total number of cases createdCOUNT(created case)Number
UnresolvedThe total number of cases unresolvedSUM(COUNT(NEW status cases) + COUNT(OPEN status cases) + COUNT(PENDING status cases) + COUNT(ON_HOLD status case))Number
ReopenTotal number of reopened cases.
A case is considered to be reopened if a case has been previously resolved and now is in any other status other than Resolved or Closed.

Note: A single case may be counted as reopened multiple times. For example, each time the case is resolved and then reopened, it will count as 1 reopened case. "
COUNT(REOPEN cases)Number
ResolvedTotal number of cases that are in resolved or
closed status.
COUNT(RESOLVED status cases) + COUNT(CLOSED status cases)Number
Time to Resolution (hr)Average time in hours between when the case
was created and its latest resolution.
AVG(cases solve_at - cases create_at)Number
Cases created by DayTotal number of cases created each day.COUNT(created case) by dayLine chart with:

- x-axis: date
- y-axis: created case number
Cases created by Day of WeekTotal number of cases created by day of week.COUNT(created case) by day of weekLine chart with:

- x-axis: Monday to Sunday
- y-axis: created case count
Cases by GroupThe percentage and number of cases created by
agent group.
COUNT(created case) by agent groupPie Chart with the percentage and
number of cases created by agent group
Cases by StatusThe percentage and number of cases created by
COUNT(created case) by statusPie Chart with the percentage and
number of cases created by status.
Cases by PriorityThe percentage and number of cases create by
COUNT(created case) by priorityPie Chart with the percentage and
number of cases created by priority.
Cases by AboutThe percentage and number of cases created by
about field.
COUNT(created case) by about fieldPie Chart with the percentage and
number of cases created by about field
Time to Resolution (hr)The average amount of time taken by the agent to
resolve the case by about field.
AVG(cases solve_at - cases create_at) by about fieldBar chart with:

- x-axis: Average time in hours
- y-axis: about field.