Metric Name | Description | Calculation | Metric Type |
Created | The total number of cases created | COUNT(created case) | Number |
Unresolved | The total number of cases unresolved | SUM(COUNT(NEW status cases) + COUNT(OPEN status cases) + COUNT(PENDING status cases) + COUNT(ON_HOLD status case)) | Number |
Reopen | Total number of reopened cases. A case is considered to be reopened if a case has been previously resolved and now is in any other status other than Resolved or Closed. Note: A single case may be counted as reopened multiple times. For example, each time the case is resolved and then reopened, it will count as 1 reopened case. " | COUNT(REOPEN cases) | Number |
Resolved | Total number of cases that are in resolved or closed status. | COUNT(RESOLVED status cases) + COUNT(CLOSED status cases) | Number |
Time to Resolution (hr) | Average time in hours between when the case was created and its latest resolution. | AVG(cases solve_at - cases create_at) | Number |
Cases created by Day | Total number of cases created each day. | COUNT(created case) by day | Line chart with: - x-axis: date - y-axis: created case number |
Cases created by Day of Week | Total number of cases created by day of week. | COUNT(created case) by day of week | Line chart with: - x-axis: Monday to Sunday - y-axis: created case count |
Cases by Group | The percentage and number of cases created by agent group. | COUNT(created case) by agent group | Pie Chart with the percentage and number of cases created by agent group |
Cases by Status | The percentage and number of cases created by status. | COUNT(created case) by status | Pie Chart with the percentage and number of cases created by status. |
Cases by Priority | The percentage and number of cases create by priority. | COUNT(created case) by priority | Pie Chart with the percentage and number of cases created by priority. |
Cases by About | The percentage and number of cases created by about field. | COUNT(created case) by about field | Pie Chart with the percentage and number of cases created by about field |
Time to Resolution (hr) | The average amount of time taken by the agent to resolve the case by about field. | AVG(cases solve_at - cases create_at) by about field | Bar chart with: - x-axis: Average time in hours - y-axis: about field. |
Updated 5 months ago