User Status Report via Explore API
The User Status report is available via Explore API, and it provides a raw log of user status changes occurring in Talkdesk®.
Specifying user_status type in the Explore API /reports/user_status/jobs path.
Metric Name | Example | Description | Calculation | Metric Type | Perspective |
User Name | Name Surname | Full name of the user who underwent the status change. | no calculation | String | agent |
User Email | [email protected] | Email of the user who underwent the status change. | no calculation | agent | |
User ID | xpt-124-asdc | Unique identifier of the user who underwent the status change. | no calculation | String | agent |
Status Label | Away | Label assigned to the status. | no calculation | String | agent |
Status Start At | 2016-01-29 10:30:00 | Start datetime of this status session. | no calculation | Date time | agent |
Status End At | 2016-01-29 10:30:14 | End datetime of this status session. | no calculation | Date time | agent |
Status Time | 14 | Total duration of the time spent in this status by the user (in seconds). | no calculation | Int | agent |
Is User Active | true | Whether the user is active in Talkdesk. | no calculation | Boolean | agent |
Team ID | 9876qwertasdc12345poiuc | The team the agent was on when the status change occurred (null if the agent wasn't on a team). | no calculation | String | agent |
Ring Groups | rg1+rg2+rg3 | The queue to which the agents are associated to at the assignment moment. The Ring Groups allow the assignment/routing system to know where to allocate each contact. | no calculation | String | agent |
Updated almost 4 years ago