Contacts Dataset

Interaction - The highest level component that comprises the full activity of a communication with a contact. It can include multiple contacts and each contact includes several, more granular, elements that are called segments.

Contact - A conversation can have multiple contacts depending on the outcome of the initial contact. Examples of situations that will trigger a new contact include: transfer; fallback to a different ring group. Contacts are the main reporting element for Supervisors and the one that will be used for staffing purposes (by monitoring queue SLA and queue AHT).

Answered contacts - inbound contacts that reached an agent and were answered.

Missed contacts - implies that the contact went through the flow, and reached a hang-up (it may or may not ring an agent but in both cases, it will be missed since there was no action by the contact person to leave the queue) or in case that after the assignment the Contact is terminated by a flow rule. Another situation is if a call hits the Maximum Time Out and is disconnected by the system or if the contact reaches the maximum queue time and goes to the next component (IVR component) and the customer disconnects the contact at that moment the outcome/type of the contact will be "missed".

Abandoned contacts - inbound contacts where the contact person finishes/disconnects the contact before reaching an agent (includes abandoned while ringing the agent). It is considered abandoned even if it rang an agent before. There was an explicit action by the caller to leave the queue. Does not include short abandoned contacts.

Short abandoned contacts - inbound contacts disconnected by the contact person within the threshold defined in the system for short abandons.

Connected contacts - outbound contacts where the connection was successful and the agent reached the contact person.

Not connected contacts - outbound contacts where the connection with the contact person was not successful ending in the contact being disconnected.

Name Description Type Format Section Filter Field
Abandon Time The time between a contact's entering the queue and the caller’s disconnecting before reaching an agent. Excludes short abandons. Includes ringing time in case the contact is abandoned by the contact person while ringing the agent. Information available only when contact type = abandon. in seconds "##" Contacts Yes dimension
% Abandoned Contacts Of the total inbound contacts, the percentage of contacts with 'abandoned' call type. Excludes short abandons.

Abandoned Contacts / Total Inbound Contacts
% ## .#% Contacts Yes measure
% Abandoned Contacts < 60 seconds In the contacts that were abandoned, the percentage of contacts that were abandoned in less than 60 seconds. percentage ## .#% Inbound Contacts (% Abandoned Contacts) N/A measure
ACW (after call work) Time Time a user takes to wrap up a call and hit the dismiss option for the post call modal. in seconds "##" Contacts Yes dimension
Agent Disconnected

Allows to see if it was the agent that disconnected the inbound/outbound call.

*For records existing before the implementation of this field, the Agent Disconnected value is null.

This field is marked as 'Yes' when the agent clicks the end call button. The field will be marked as 'No' if the call is disconnected due to connectivity problems beyond the agent's control.

String Yes/No Contacts N/A dimension
Agent Disconnected % Helps to know among the calls the agent handled, what % of the calls were disconnected by him. Percentage ## .#%      
Answered at Timestamp of the moment the contact was answered by an agent (inbound only). date time yyyy-mm--dd hh:mm:ss Contacts Yes dimension
Answer Timestamp The time reference used to filter the timeframe for analysis, based on the answer timestamp of each contact. date time   Filters Yes dimension
% Answered Contacts The percentage of contacts with type is answered calculated based on the number of total inbound contacts          
AVG Abandon time - seconds Average duration of the time it takes to abandon a contact. Calculated based on all contacts that have abandon time recorded. Excludes short abandons.          
AVG ACW time - seconds Average duration of the time it takes to wrap up a contact. Calculated based on all contacts that have After Call Work time recorded. in seconds # .# Contacts Yes measure
AVG Connect time - seconds Average time the contact was connecting with the contact person (when direction outbound).          
AVG Duration - seconds Average time that takes between end at - start at timestamps          
AVG Handle time - seconds Average duration of the time it takes for a user to deal with a contact. It considers talk time, the hold time, and the after call work of a contact. in seconds ### .# Contacts Yes measure
AVG Hard Hold Time - seconds Average duration of the times when agents explicitly pressed the hold button until returning to conversation with the contact person.          
AVG Hold Time - seconds Average duration of the sum of both Soft and Hard hold durations in a contact. To calculate the Avg Hold Time, the Contacts/data rows that are null/0 need to be removed, since a null/0 value means that there is no hold time.          
AVG Ring Time - seconds Average time it took for an agent in the contact center to answer the contact after it first started ringing, in seconds.          
AVG Short Abandon Time - seconds Average duration of the time it takes to short abandon a contact. Calculated based on all contacts that have abandon time recorded.          
AVG Soft Hold Time - seconds Average duration of the time the contact persons are put on hold due to a warm transfer.          
AVG talk time - seconds Average duration of the total talk time for inbound and outbound contacts. It does not include the time spent ringing the agent nor time spent in After Call Work. Also, it does not include hold time during the contact. See also Talk Time. in seconds # .# Contacts Yes measure
AVG Time to Missed - seconds Average duration of the time that runs between the moment the contact was created until it was considered missed. Matches the wait time for the same contact.          
AVG Time to Voicemail - seconds Average duration of the time that runs between the moment the contact was created until it was diverted to voicemail. Matches the wait time for the same contact.          
AVG Wait Time - seconds Average duration of the time that runs between the moment the contact was created until it was either answered, abandoned, missed, short-abandoned, or voicemail. Does not include IVR or voice prompts but includes ringing time. Once the contact is only created when reaching the queue, no pre-queue time are considered.          
Breakdown by Contact Type Allows to group by Contact Type (answered, abandoned, short-abandoned, missed, voicemail, connected, and not connected). May also be used as a filter. string   Contacts Yes dimension
Breakdown by Finished At Date            
Breakdown by Phone Numbers Allows to group by Phone Numbers (Company Phone Number) in our account. May also be used as a filter.   "+##########" Contacts Yes dimension
Breakdown by Ring Group Allows to group by the Ring Groups in your account. May also be used as a filter. This dimension works as a Group By in SQL (meaning that we arrange and summarize identical data) and allows to filter by any ring group in the account string   Contacts Yes dimension
Breakdown by Started At Date            
Breakdown by Team Allows to group by the Teams set in your account. May also be used as a filter. string   Contacts Yes dimension
Callback Whether or not the caller requested a callback from queue (note: true or false). Includes requests from Callback API. string true / false Contacts Yes dimension
Call Quality The rating (on a scale of 1-5; 5 being excellent) the agent gave to the quality of the call. number   Contacts Yes dimension
Call Quality reason Reason provided by the agent to classify the quality of the call with the rate provided. string   Contacts  Yes  dimension
Company Number This is the number the contact person dialed (when direction Inbound), or the phone number from where the contact was initiated (when direction is outbound).   "+##########" Contacts Yes dimension
Connected At Timestamp of the moment the contact person answered the contact the agent started (outbound only). date time yyyy-mm--dd hh:mm:ss Contacts Yes dimension
Connect Timestamp The time reference used to filter the timeframe for analysis, based on the "connected at" timestamp of each contact. date time   Filters Yes dimension
Contact ID Unique identifier for Contacts     Contacts Yes dimension
Contact Person Number This is the number the contact person dialed from (when direction inbound), or the number dialed to reach the contact person (when direction is outbound).   "+##########" Contacts Yes dimension
Contact Type Contacts can be:
answered (inbound)
missed (inbound)
abandoned (inbound)
short-abandoned (inbound)
voicemail (inbound. Example: the Assign & Dial lead to a voicemail component. It doesn’t guarantee that a voicemail was left by the contact person. The contact ends once the transition to voicemail is done (and the agent has finished his ACW)
connected (outbound)
not connected (outbound)
string   Contacts Yes dimension
Contacts Ring Group Reference filter for the ring group (queue) where the contact was assigned to at the assignment moment. It is based on the Ring Groups dimension. Filters only ring groups with data for the given time frame. string   Filters Yes dimension
Connect Time The time the contact was connecting with the contact person (when direction outbound). in seconds "##" Contacts Yes dimension
Data Status You can include or exclude records with errors. This filter will have three options available: “Valid”, “Damaged”, and “All”. By default, only “Valid” records will be visible.

Valid Records - Regularly Processed Records.
Damaged Records - Those are corrupted due to missing events in call records.
String Valid/Damaged Filters Yes dimension
Description The note the agent took at the end of the call. String   Contacts No dimension
Direct Assignment User(s) Dimension regarding the direct assignment on Studio Flows. Reflects the User(s) to whom the contact was first configured to be assigned to. This dimension does not consider transfers, only the first direct assignment details set in the flow. In case of having more than one user configured it will show the list of users in the format user 1 + user 2 + user 3 string   Contacts No dimension
Direct Assignment User(s) (filter) Filter that allows to configure the outcome of the Direct Assignment User(s) dimension. string   Filters Yes dimension
Direct Assignment IDs Unique identifier for Direct Assignment Assignment User(s). string   Contacts No dimension
Direction If the contact is inbound or outbound string   Contacts Yes dimension
Disposition Code The disposition code applied to the call. string   Contacts  Yes  dimension
Disposition ID The ID of the Disposition that was applied to the call. number   Contacts  Yes  dimension
Duration The difference between finished at and start at timestamps. Is shown in seconds number ### Contacts Yes  
Finished at The date and time record of when the contact ended. date time yyyy-mm--dd hh:mm:ss Contacts Yes dimension
External Number (Forward) In case of: Forward to External Number configured in Studio
Direct Assignment to an External Phone in Studio
An External Phone Number configured in the Agents’ Profile
An If-No-Answer Phone Number configured in the Numbers’ Settings
If a contact is transferred to an External Number
This dimension will return the phone number to which the contact was forwarded.
% External Contacts (Forward) Of all incoming contacts the number of contacts that were forwarded to an external number.          
Finish Timestamp The time reference used to filter the timeframe for analysis, based on the finished at timestamp of each contact.     Filters Yes dimension
Handle time The time it takes a user/agent to handle a call. The time starts when the agent answers and ends the moment the agent ends the After Call Work (ACW) status (includes hold time). seconds ### Contacts Yes dimension
Handling Ring Group The Ring Group that handled the contact, and which may not be necessarily the one that was configured to be the “first assigned to”. string   Contacts No dimension
Hard Hold Time Duration of the time when the agent explicitly pressed the hold button until returning to conversation with contact person. seconds ##      
Hold time Dimension that reflects the sum of both Soft and Hard hold durations seconds ##      
% Inbound Contacts Percentage of incoming contacts (includes answered, abandoned, short-abandoned, missed, and voicemail) in the contact center for the given time frame calculated based on total contacts.          
Inside Business Hours If the contact reached the contact center inside the defined Business Hours (note: true or false) string true / false Contacts Yes dimension
Inside Service Level If the contact was answered inside the defined Service Level threshold (note: true or false) string true / false Contacts Yes dimension
Interaction ID Unique identifier for Interactions string   Contacts Yes dimension
MAX Abandon Time - seconds The longest duration of the time between a contact’s entering queue and the caller’s disconnecting before reaching an agent. Excludes short abandons. Includes ringing time in case the contact is abandoned by the contact person while ringing the agent. Information available only when contact type = abandon.          
MAX ACW time - seconds The longest duration of the time a user takes to wrap up a call and hit the dismiss option for the post call modal.          
MAX Connect Time - seconds The longest duration of time the contact was connecting with the contact person (when direction outbound).          
MAX Duration - seconds Contact with the longest duration (difference between end at - start at timestamps)          
MAX Handle Time - seconds The longest duration of time it takes a user/agent to handle a call. The time starts when the agent answers and ends the moment the agent ends the After Call Work (ACW) status (includes hold time).          
MAX Hard Hold Time - seconds The longest duration of the times when agents explicitly pressed the hold button until returning to conversation with contact person.          
MAX Hold Time - seconds The longest duration of the sum of both Soft and Hard hold durations in a contact          
MAX Ring Time - seconds The longest time it took for an agent in the contact center to answer the contact after it first started ringing, in seconds.          
MAX Short Abandon Time - seconds The longest duration of the time that took a contact to be short abandoned. Short abandoned threshold is also defined in the system. If no setup is made the contact is considered abandoned. This field is only filed in case contact type = short abandon          
MAX Soft Hold Time - seconds The longest duration of the time a contact person was put on hold due to a warm transfer.          
MAX Talk Time - seconds Longest duration of talk time for inbound and outbound contacts. The timer begins when the contact person starts interacting with an agent, and ends when the contact is finished or transferred. It does not include:
1. time spent ringing the agent
2. time spent in After Call Work
3. hold time during the contact.
MAX Time to Missed - seconds The longest duration of time that took a contact to be missed. This dimension will only contain information in case contact type = missed          
MAX Time to Voicemail - seconds The longest duration of time it takes since entering the until reaching voicemail prompt.          
MAX Wait Time - seconds Longest duration for how long the contact person waited for their contact to be answered in seconds. Does not include IVR nor voice prompts but includes ringing time. Does not include IVR nor voice prompts but includes ringing time. Once the contact is only created when reaching the queue, no pre-queue time are considered.          
MIN Abandon Time - seconds The short duration of the time between a contacts’s entering queue and the caller’s disconnecting before reaching an agent. Excludes short abandons. Includes ringing time in case the contact is abandoned by the contact person while ringing the agent. Information available only when contact type = abandon.          
MIN ACW time - seconds The shortest duration of the time a user takes to wrap up a call and hit the dismiss option fo the post call modal.          
MIN Connect Time - seconds The shortest duration time the contact was connecting with the contact person (when direction outbound).          
MIN Duration - seconds Contact with the shortest duration          
MIN Handle Time - seconds The shortest duration of time it takes a user/agent to handle a call. The time starts when the agent answers and ends the moment the agent ends the After Call Work (ACW) status (includes hold time).          
MIN Hard Hold Time - seconds The shortest duration of the times when agents explicitly pressed the hold button until returning back to conversation with contact person.          
MIN Hold Time - seconds The shortest duration of the sum of both Soft and Hard hold durations in a contact          
MIN Ring Time - seconds The shortest time it took for an agent in the contact center to answer the contact after it first started ringing, in seconds.          
MIN Short Abandon Time - seconds The shortest duration of the time that took a contact to be short abandoned. Short abandoned threshold is also defined in the system. If no setup is made the contact is considered abandoned. This field is only filed in case contact type = short abandon          
MIN Soft Hold Time - seconds The shortest duration of the time a contact person was put on hold due to a warm transfer.          
MIN Talk Time - seconds Shortest duration of talk time for inbound and outbound contacts. The timer begins when the contact person starts interacting with an agent, and ends when the contact is finished or transferred. It does not include:
1. time spent ringing the agent
2. time spent in After Call Work
3. hold time during the contact.
MIN Time to Missed - seconds The shortest duration of time that took a contact to be missed. This dimension will only contain information in case contact type = missed          
MIN Time to Voicemail - seconds The shortest duration of time it takes from entering the until reaching the voicemail prompt.          
MIN Wait Time - seconds Shortest duration for how long the contact person waited for their contact to be answered in seconds. Does not include IVR or voice prompts but includes ringing time. Once the contact is only created when reaching the queue, no pre-queue time are considered.          
% Missed Contacts The percentage of missed contacts, calculated based on the number of total inbound contacts          
Outbound Dialer Campaign Created At Date The date when the Outbound Dialer campaign was created. date        
Outbound Dialer Campaign ID The ID of the Outbound Dialer campaign. Only available if the Outbound Dialer feature is enabled on the account. string        
Outbound Dialing Mode The dialing mode of the Outbound Dialer campaign. Currently, only the predictive mode is supported. string        
Outbound Dialer Campaign Name The name of the Outbound Dialer campaign. string        
Outbound Dialer Campaign State The current state of the Outbound Dialer campaign. string        
Phone Display Name This is the name that is customized by the user in the Custom Settings of the Company Number under the field Friendly Name. The report returns the name of the phone at the time the report is run, not at the time the contact happened. string   Contacts dimension Yes
Number of Outbound Dialer Campaigns The total number of Outbound Dialer campaigns. string        
Ring Group Name Ring Group is the queue to which the contact was assigned at assignment moment. string ## Ring Group Identification No dimension
Ring Time The total time it took for an agent in the contact center to answer the contact after it first started ringing, in seconds. in seconds ## Contacts Yes dimension
Service Level "Percentage of Contacts answered within the defined threshold for Service Level

sumAnswered(Within Service Level) / (sum(Inbound)-sum(short abandoned))"
percentage "##.#%" Inbound Contacts Yes measure
Short Abandon Time The time that took a contact to be short abandoned. Short abandoned threshold is also defined in the system. If no setup is made the contact is considered abandoned. This field is only filed in case contact type = short abandon in seconds "##" Contacts Yes dimension
% Short Abandon Contacts The percentage of contacts with type is short abandoned calculated based on the number of total contacts % ## .# Inbound Contacts Yes measure
Soft Hold Time Duration of the time the contact person is put on hold due to a warm transfer. in seconds "##" Contacts Yes dimension
Started At Contact timestamp record regardless of direction (inbound or outbound). date time yyyy-mm--dd hh:mm:ss Contacts No dimension
Start Timestamp The time reference used to filter the timeframe for analysis, based on the started at timestamp of each contact. date time   Filters Yes dimension
Talk Time Calculates the total talk time for inbound and outbound contacts. The timer begins when the contact person starts interacting with an agent, and ends when the contact is finished or transferred. It does not include:
1. time spent ringing the agent
2. time spent in After Call Work
3. hold time during the contact.
in seconds "##" Contacts Yes dimension
Team Name Name of the team of the agent that handled the contact string   Contacts Yes dimension
Team ID Unique identifier for Team Name. string   Contacts No dimension
Time to Missed The time that took a contact to be missed. This dimension will only contain information in case contact type = missed in seconds "##" Contacts Yes dimension
Time to Voicemail The time it takes from entering the until reaching the voicemail prompt. in seconds ## Contacts Yes dimension
Timezone Timezone reference to filter the analysis. By default returns the Account Timezone. When updated will reflect the updated hours according to the selected timezone. string   Filters Yes dimension
Total Contacts On Hold Number of contacts on hold. number ## Inbound Contacts N/A measure
% Answered Contacts < 20 seconds The percentage of total answered contacts in less than 20 seconds. percentage ## .#% Inbound Contacts (% Answered Contacts) N/A measure
% Answered Contacts < 30 seconds The percentage of total answered contacts in less than 30 seconds. percentage ## .#% Inbound Contacts (% Answered Contacts) N/A measure
% Answered Contacts < 60 seconds The percentage of total answered contacts in less than 60 seconds. percentage ## .#% Inbound Contacts (% Answered Contacts) N/A measure
Total Answered Contacts < 5 seconds Count of the total number of answered contacts in less than five seconds. number ## Inbound Contacts (Total Answered Contacts) N/A measure
Total Answered Contacts < 10 seconds Count of the total number of answered contacts in less than ten seconds. number ## Inbound Contacts (Total Answered Contacts) N/A measure
Total Answered Contacts < 20 seconds Count of the total number of answered contacts in less than 20 seconds. number ## Inbound Contacts (Total Answered Contacts) N/A measure
Total Answered Contacts < 30 seconds Count of the total number of answered contacts in less than 30 seconds. number ## Inbound Contacts (Total Answered Contacts) N/A measure
Total Answered Contacts < 60 seconds Count of the total number of answered contacts in less than 60 seconds. number ## Inbound Contacts (Total Answered Contacts) N/A measure
Total Answered Contacts < 120 seconds Count of the total number of answered contacts in less than 120 seconds. number ## Inbound Contacts (Total Answered Contacts) N/A measure
Total External Contacts The total number of contacts that were forwarded to an external number. sum        
Total Contacts The sum of all contacts for the given combination of filters and dimensions used. sum #### Contacts Yes measure
Total Inbound Contacts Sum of incoming contacts (includes answered, abandoned, short-abandoned, missed, and voicemail) in the contact center for the given time frame is calculated based on total contacts. sum #### Inbound Contacts Yes measure
Total talk time - seconds The sum of the talk time duration for inbound and outbound contacts, for the combination of filters and dimensions used. See also Talk Time. in seconds ### Contacts Yes measure
% Transfer In Of the contacts corresponding to the filters set what percentage corresponds to Transfer In = Yes percentage ## .#%      
Total Transfer In Count of the total transfers in for the given filtering setting number ###      
Transfer In (Yes/No If the contact origin was a transfer this dimension will return Yes string (Yes/No)      
Transfer In Type If the Transfer In was Warm or Blind Transfer string (Warm/Blind)      
% Transfer Out Of the contacts corresponding to the filters set what percentage corresponds to Transfer Out = Yes percentage        
Total Abandoned Contacts < 10 seconds Count of the total number of contacts that were abandoned in less than ten seconds. number ## Inbound Contacts (Total Abandoned Contacts) N/A measure
Total Abandoned Contacts < 20 seconds Count of the total number of contacts that were abandoned in less than 20 seconds. number ## Inbound Contacts (Total Abandoned Contacts) N/A measure
Total Abandoned Contacts < 30 seconds Count of the total number of contacts that were abandoned in less than 30 seconds. number ## Inbound Contacts (Total Abandoned Contacts) N/A measure
Total Abandoned Contacts < 60 seconds Count of the total number of contacts that were abandoned in less than 60 seconds. number ## Inbound Contacts (Total Abandoned Contacts) N/A measure
Total Abandoned Contacts >= 60 seconds Count of the total number of contacts that were abandoned in greater or equal than 60 seconds. number ## Inbound Contacts (Total Abandoned Contacts) N/A measure
Total Transfer Out Count of the total transfers out for the given filtering setting.          
Transfer Out (Yes/No) If the contact originated a transfer this dimension will return Yes

The Contact is a Transfer Out when the transfer is completed, meaning when the contact person is connected to the other agent.
Transfer Out = Yes when:
For Warm Transfers the transfer is answered and completed (meaning the agent adds the contact person to the transfer and completes the transfer).
For Blind Transfers the transfer is Answered
Transfer Out Type If the Transfer Out was Warm or Blind Transfer          
User Name Agent that answered (when inbound) the contact or that initiated (when outbound) the contact. string   Contacts   dimension
User ID Unique identifier for agent user name. string   Contacts No dimension
% Voicemail contacts The percentage of contacts with type is voicemail calculated based on the number of total inbound contacts percentage        
Wait Time How long the contact person waited for their contact to be answered in seconds. Does not include IVR or voice prompts but includes ringing time. Once the contact is only created when reaching the queue, no pre-queue time are considered. in seconds "##" Contacts   dimension
Within the Service Level Threshold Based on the threshold for the service level returns a true or false value when comparing the threshold with the time that the contact spent waiting to be handled by an agent. The Within Service Level takes into consideration not only answered contacts, but all the contact types inside the predefined threshold. string true / false Contacts Yes dimension
Overlapped Hold Time Time on hold while the agent is handling another interaction, when using the Call Waiting feature. in seconds  "##" Contacts No dimension
Overlapped ACW Time  Time on ACW (After Call Work) while the agent is on another interaction when handling multiple interactions, when using the Call Waiting feature. in seconds  "##" Contacts No dimension
Is an Overlapped Interaction  If the interaction from dedicated lines overlapped with other interactions when the agent was handling multiple interactions, will return Yes, when using the Call Waiting feature. boolean  yes/no  Contacts  No  dimension