Metric NameDescriptionCalculationMetric Type
AchievedThe percentage of cases that were achieved within the SLA.Sum(Achieved SLA cases)/[Sum(Achieved SLA cases)+Sum( Active (breached) SLA cases)+Sum( Paused (breached) SLA cases) + Sum( Closed (breached) SLA cases)]%
Time to Fulfill (hr)The average time in hours that the SLAs are fulfilledAVG (case total_duration)Number
BreachedThe number of cases that have breached at least
one SLA policy target.
Breached cases/ total cases%
Achieved by priorityThe number of cases that met all applied SLA
policy targets by priority
COUNT (Breached cases) by priorityBar chart with:

- x-axis: Total Achieved
- y-axis: priority field
Achieved by weekThe number of cases that met all applied SLA
policy targets by week
COUNT (Breached cases) by weekBar chart with:

- x-axis: Total Achieved
- y-axis: week
Breached by the day of weekThe number of cases that have breached at least
one SLA policy target by the day of week
COUNT (Breached cases) by the day of weekLine chart with:

- x-axis: Monday to Sunday
- y-axis: Percentage Cases Breached