Recent Activity Multichannel
Name | Description | Type | Format | Section | Filter | Field | Calculation |
Interaction ID | Unique identifier for Interactions | String | Voice Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Contact ID | Unique identifier for Contacts | String | Voice Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Company Number | When the number the contact person dialed (an Inbound direction), or the phone number from where the contact was initiated (an outbound direction) | String | """+##########"" " | Voice Contacts | No | Dimension | |
Contact Person Number | The number the contact person dialed from (an inbound direction), or the number dialed to reach the contact person (an outbound direction) | String | """+##########"" " | Voice Contacts | No | Dimension | |
Direction | If the contact is inbound or outbound | String | Voice Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Contact Type | Contacts can be: answered (inbound), missed (inbound), abandoned (inbound), short-abandoned, (inbound) and voicemail (inbound) Example: The Assign & Dial lead to a voicemail component. It doesn’t guarantee that in fact a voicemail was left by the contact person. The contact ends once the transition to voicemail is done (and the agent has finished his ACW) connected (outbound) not connected (outbound) | String | Voice Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Started At | Contact timestamp record regardless of the direction (inbound or outbound) | Date time | yyyy-mm--dd hh:mm:ss | Voice Contacts | Yes | Dimension | |
Finished At | The date time record of when the contact ended | Date time | yyyy-mm--dd hh:mm:ss | Voice Contacts | No | Dimension | |
Ring Groups | The ring group (queue) where the contact was assigned to at the assignment moment. All Ring Groups of the account will appear listed regardless of having data or not for the timeframe filtered | String | Voice Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
User Name | The user that answered (an inbound call) the contact or that initiated (an outbound call) the contact | String | Voice Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Team Name | Name of the agent's team that handled the contact | String | Voice Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Total Duration - seconds | The total duration of the contact from the time a contact is made or received, to when it is completed, in seconds | Number | Voice Contacts | No | Measure | ||
Contact ID | Unique identifier for Contacts | String | Digital Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Channel Type | The contact's channel | String | Digital Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Touchpoint Identifier | Agent value of contact (+351 12345678,, [email protected], etc) For chat, it will show the domain or domain friendly name of the website | String | Digital Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Contact Person Channel Identifier | Contact person value of contact (+351 12345678, [email protected], etc) In case of chat, it will be the URL of the visitor when he started the conversation | String | Digital Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Direction | If the interaction is inbound or outbound | String | Digital Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Contact Started At | Timestamp of the beginning of the contact | Date time | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | Digital Contacts | Yes | Dimension | |
Contact Assigned At | Timestamp of the assignment of the contact | Date time | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | Digital Contacts | No | Dimension | |
Contact Finished At | Timestamp of the end of the contact | Date time | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | Digital Contacts | No | Dimension | |
Queues | List of the ring groups that were assigned to the conversation: - Simplified routing (queues inherited from the touchpoint) - Advanced routing (queues defined on the Reporting component or on the Assign agents to Message component) | String | Digital Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Is Virtual Agent | Identifies if the contact was handled by a virtual agent | Boolean | Yes/No | Digital Contacts | No | Dimension | |
User Name | The name of the user | String | Digital Contacts | No | Dimension | ||
Contact Duration | Duration between the Contact Started and Finished | Number | Digital Contacts | No | Measure | ||
Inbound Calls Answered | The number of received inbound calls by your team/contact center that were placed by contact people | Number | Inbound Voice Interactions Type | No | Measure | COUNT of all calls which call type = inbound | |
Inbound Calls Missed | The number of inbound calls to your call center that were missed by your team. This includes calls that were missed during business hours as well as outside business hours. This also includes calls that were disconnected before an agent was routed the call, as well as calls that were routed to an agent, but the agent either did not answer or rejected the call. | Number | Inbound Voice Interactions Type | No | Measure | COUNT of call type = missed AND business hours = true + false | |
Inbound Calls Abandoned | The number of inbound calls to your call center where the caller hung up before they were routed to an agent. If a caller disconnects while they are in the IVR, listening to a message or in a waiting queue, the call is considered abandoned | Number | Inbound Voice Interactions Type | No | Measure | COUNT of call type = abandoned | |
Inbound Calls Short Abandoned | The number of inbound calls to your call center where the caller hung up before they were routed to an agent. If a caller disconnects while they are in the IVR, listening to a message or in a waiting queue, the call is considered abandoned | Number | Inbound Voice Interactions Type | No | Measure | COUNT of call type = short-abandoned | |
Inbound Calls Voicemail | The total number of inbound calls that reached your call center during a selected time frame and that went to voicemail | Number | Inbound Voice Interactions Type | No | Measure | COUNT of calls which call type = voicemails | |
AVG Waiting Time Inbound | The average time the caller waited for their call to be answered or to go to voicemail, in seconds (includes inbound answered only) | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | AVG waiting time for calls which call type = inbound |
Longest Waiting Time Inbound | The longest wait time the caller waited for their call to be answered or to go to voicemail, in seconds (includes inbound answered only) | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | MAX waiting time for calls which call type = inbound |
Waiting Time Inbound | The total time the caller waited for their call to be answered or to go to voicemail, in seconds (includes inbound answered only) | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | SUM(wait time in seconds) |
AVG Talk Time Inbound | The average talk time for inbound calls. The timer begins when the customer is connected with an agent, and ends when the call is disconnected. It does not include the time spent ringing the agent nor time spent in After Call Work, but it includes hold time during the call. | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | AVERAGE talk time for calls which call type = inbound answered |
Longest Talk Time Inbound | The longest talk time for inbound calls. The timer begins when the customer is connected with an agent, and ends when the call is disconnected. It does not include the time spent ringing the agent nor time spent in After Call Work, but it includes hold time during the call. | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | MAX duration for calls which call type = inbound answered |
Talk Time Inbound | The total talk time of the inbound call. The timer begins when the customer is connected with an agent, and ends when the call is disconnected. It does not include the time spent ringing the agent nor time spent in After Call Work, but it includes hold time during the call. | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | SUM talk time for calls which call type = inbound answered |
AVG Hold Time | The average time the caller was placed on hold during the call, in seconds. This metric counts only instances in which the agent places the caller on hold during inbound/outbound calls via Talkdesk call bar, and does not include holds that are a result of transfers. | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | AVG on hold time for calls which call type = inbound |
Longest Hold Time Inbound | Longest time the caller was placed on hold during the call, in seconds. This metric counts only instances in which the agent places the caller on hold during inbound calls via Talkdesk call bar, and does not include holds that are a result of transfers. | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | MAX on hold time for calls which call type = inbound |
Hold Time Inbound | The total time the caller was placed on hold during the call, in seconds. This metric counts only instances in which the agent places the caller on hold during inbound calls via Talkdesk call bar, and does not include holds that are a result of transfers. | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | SUM hold time for calls which call type = inbound |
% Inbound Calls Abandoned | Percentage of Inbound calls abandoned over total inbound calls | Percentage | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | COUNT call type = abandoned / COUNT call type = inbound + missed + abandoned + short abandoned + voicemail | |
AVG Abandon Time Inbound | The average time the caller was connected to the contact center before abandoning | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | AVG duration of call type = abandoned AND hangup = waiting |
Service Level | Percentage of calls missed or answered before the pre-defined threshold for the selected time frame. It is only calculated for events during business hours | Percentage | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | COUNT of business hours = TRUE (waiting time =< [define threshold] (call type = inbound AND call type = missed))*100 | |
Total Duration Inbound | The total duration of the call from the time a call is received, to when it is completed, in seconds. Note: all time-based metrics are rounded up to the nearest second; for greater precision of total_time, subtract start_at from end_at. | Time in seconds | Inbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | SUM duration of call type = inbound | |
Outbound Connected Calls | Calls initiated by the agent with a successful connection Calls can be placed from dedicated lines or from general Talkdesk Numbers (outbound caller IDs, both automatic and customizable) | Number | Outbound Voice Interactions Type | No | Measure | COUNT of all calls which call type = connected | |
Outbound Not Connected Calls | Calls that are hung up by the agent before the call is connected to voicemail or the customer Connection timed-out and call was not connected to the customer or voicemail | Number | Outbound Voice Interactions Type | No | Measure | COUNT of all calls which call type = not connected | |
AVG Total Duration Outbound | The average duration of the call from the time a call is made, to when it is completed, in seconds. Note: all time-based metrics are rounded up to the nearest second; for greater precision of total_time, subtract start_at from end_at. | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Outbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | AVG duration of call type = outbound |
Longest Total Duration Outbound | The longest duration for an outbound call from the time a call is received, to when it is completed, in seconds. Note: all time-based metrics are rounded up to the nearest second; for greater precision of total_time, subtract start_at from end_at. | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Outbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | MAX duration of call type = outbound |
Total Duration Outbound | The total duration of the call from the time a call is made, to when it is completed, in seconds. Note: all time-based metrics are rounded up to the nearest second; for greater precision of total_time, subtract start_at from end_at. | Time in seconds | 0.0 | Outbound Voice Interactions Metrics | No | Measure | SUM duration of call type = outbound |
Total Chat Messaging Interactions | Total number of chat interactions regardless of their status | Number | Digital Interactions by Channel | No | Measure | ||
Total Email Messaging Interactions | Total number of email interactions regardless of their status | Number | Digital Interactions by Channel | No | Measure | ||
Total SMS Messaging Interactions | Total number of SMS interactions regardless of their status | Number | Digital Interactions by Channel | No | Measure | ||
Total Digital Interactions Open | Number of open interactions | Number | Digital Interactions by Channel | No | Measure | ||
Total Digital Interactions Closed | Number of closed interactions | Number | Digital Interactions by Channel | No | Measure | ||
Total Inbound Digital Interactions | Number of Inbound Interactions | Number | Digital Interactions by Channel | No | Measure | ||
Total Outbound Digital Interactions | Number of Outbound Interactions | Number | Digital Interactions by Channel | No | Measure | ||
User name | The user's name | String | Agent Status | No | Dimension | ||
The agent's email | String | Agent Status | No | Dimension | |||
Team Name | Team to which the agent belongs at a finished timestamp event | String | Agent Status | No | Dimension | ||
Status | The default or custom status the report line is referring to | String | Agent Status | No | Dimension | ||
Status Start Time | Status started timestamp | Date time | Agent Status | Yes | Dimension | ||
Status End Time | Status finished timestamp | Date time | Agent Status | No | Dimension | ||
Status duration | Time spent in status per agent | Time in seconds | Agent Status | No | Measure | '=status_finished-status_started | |
Interaction ID | Unique identifier for Interactions | String | Voice Interactions | No | Dimension | ||
Call Type | Possible values: abandoned, inbound, missed, short_abandoned, voicemail, outbound connected, outbound not connected | String | Voice Interactions | No | Dimension | ||
Call Started Time | The time when the call was received or placed (datetime) | Date Time | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | Voice Interactions | No | Dimension | |
Voice Interactions | The time when the call ended or was missed | Date Time | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | Voice Interactions | No | Dimension | |
Talkdesk Phone Number | The number the customer called (for inbound or missed calls), or the phone number that the call was placed from (for outbound calls) | String | Voice Interactions | No | Dimension | ||
Customer Phone Number | The number the caller called from (for inbound calls), or the number the call was placed to (for outbound calls) | String | Voice Interactions | No | Dimension | ||
Ring Groups | The ring groups dialed during the call. If the call was received on a user's dedicated phone number or was directly routed to a user after being dropped using intelligent reconnect, it will display the user's full name | String | Voice Interactions | No | Dimension | ||
User | The name, e-mail, and user ID of the user placing the call or receiving the call. This classification under User is also provided when there’s a forwarding to a number either internal or external managed by Studio configurations in a component. | String | Voice Interactions | No | Dimension | ||
Is Dedicated Line | Identifies if the call was made to a dedicated phone number | Boolean | Voice Interactions | No | Dimension | ||
Talk Time | The total talk time of the call. The timer begins when the customer is connected with an agent, and ends when the call is disconnected. It does not include the time spent ringing the agent nor time spent in After Call Work, but it includes hold time during the call. | Number | 0.0 | Voice Interactions | No | Measure |
Updated over 1 year ago