Digital Engagement: Messaging Contacts Dataset
Interaction: The highest level component that comprises the full activity of a communication with a contact. It can include multiple contacts and each contact includes several, more granular, elements that are called segments.
Contact: A conversation can have multiple contacts depending on the outcome of the initial contact. Examples of situations that will trigger a new contact include: Agent manually sends a conversation back to the general queue; timeout of a conversation assigned to an Agent, transfer of a conversation to another Agent. Contacts are the main reporting element for Supervisors and the one that will be used for staffing purposes (by monitoring queue SLA and queue AHT).
Wrap-up Phase: Refers to the general phase after the Agent finishes an interaction with a contact. When an Agent manually closes a Conversation, he/she will be redirected to the wrap-up page that includes the "Notes" and "Dispositions" cards. The Agent will be able to see the notes that other Agents left, and can also update them. In order to submit, a disposition must be selected. If not, the Agent can click the “Dismiss” button.
Name | Description | Type | Format | Section | Filter | Field |
Breakdown by Queue | Detailed view of the queues (when choosing this dimension, Explore will show 1 row per each of the ring groups presented on the queue field) | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Channel Type | hannel for this contact* | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Contact Assigned At | Timestamp of the assignment of the contact | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Contact Duration | Duration between the Contact Started and Finished | number | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Contact Finished At | Timestamp of the end of the contact | date time | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension |
Contact Finished Reason | Reason for the Contact to finish (Manually Closed, Manually Sent to Queue, Timed Out to Queue, etc) | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Contact Handle Time | The amount of time spent by each agent on a particular conversation when there are transfers happening | number | 00d 00h 00m 00s | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension |
Contact ID | Unique identifier for Contacts | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Contact Person Channel Identifier | Contact person value of contact (+351 12345678, [email protected], etc)- In case of chat, it will be the url of the visitor when he started the conversation | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Contact Person ID | Contact Person Name | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Contact Person Name | Name of the Contact Person | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Contact Started At | Timestamp of the beginning of the contact | date time | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension |
Conversation | Link to Conversation History app (where you can see the full conversation) | string | Messaging Contacts | No | dimension | |
Direct Assignment User ID(s) | The ID of the user who received the transfer | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Direct Assignment User(s) | The user who received the transfer | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Direction | If the interaction is inbound or outbound | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Disposition Name | The disposition the Agent chose during the conversation or wrap-up phase | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
First Response Time | When no VA is engaged, it‘s the duration between the Interaction Started and the first outbound reply sent by agents. When VA is engaged, it’s the duration between escalation to agent and the first outbound reply sent by agents | number | 00d 00h 00m 00s | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension |
Handling Queues | List of the ring groups that actually handled the conversation | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Interaction Duration | Duration between the Interaction Started and Finished | number | 00d 00h 00m 00s | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension |
Interaction Finished At | Timestamp of the end of the interaction | date time | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension |
Interaction Handle Time | The total amount of time spent by agents on a particular conversation | number | 00d 00h 00m 00s | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension |
Interaction ID | Unique identifier for Interactions | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Interaction Started At | Timestamp of the beginning of the interaction | date time | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension |
Interaction Status | Status of the Interaction (Open, Closed) | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Is Virtual Agent | Identifies whether the contact was handled by a virtual agent or not boolean | boolean | Yes/No | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension |
Notes | Notes that Agents take during the conversation and wrap-up phase | string | Messaging Contacts | No | dimension | |
Queues | "List of the ring groups that were assigned to the conversation: - Simplified routing (queues inherited from the touchpoint) - Advanced routing (queues defined on the Reporting component or on the Assign agents to Message component)" | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Subject | The subject of digital conversations of Email and Digital Connect channel | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Touchpoint Identifier | Agent value of contact (+351 12345678,, [email protected], etc) - For chat, it will show the domain or domain friendly name of the website | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Touchpoint Name | Touchpoint Friendly Name (this is the friendly name that is recorded in Channels App - available for all channels). | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Transfer Out (Yes / No) | Identified whether the contact was transferred or not | boolean | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
User ID | ID of the User (Agent, Admin, Sup) | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
User Name | Name of the User (Agent, Admin, Sup) | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Virtual Agent ID | ID of the Virtual Agent | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Virtual Agent Name | Name of the Virtual Agent | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension | |
Wrap-up duration | The duration of the Wrap-Up phase (between clicking to End Chat and to Submit/Dismiss the Wrap-up) | string | Messaging Contacts | Yes | dimension |
*Note: If you are using Talkdesk Chat and/or Talkdesk SMS product, the "Channel Type" can also be SMS or CHAT. When doing specific visualizations for Email, always filter the "Channel Type" to be equal to EMAIL. For Social Messaging channels, consider “WHATSAPP“ and “FACEBOOK_MESSENGER“ as possible filters.
Name | Description | Type | Format | Section | Filter | Field |
% Messaging Interactions Closed | Number of Interactions closed divided by the total number of interactions | number | 0.0 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
% Messaging Interactions Open | Number of Interactions open divided by the total number of interactions | number | 0.0 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
% of Interactions closed by Contact Person | Total number of interactions being closed by the Contact Person divided by the total number of interactions | percentage | 0.0 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
% of Interactions closed by Contact Person before 1st Agent assignment | Number of interactions closed by the Contact Person before getting assigned for the first time to an agent (including conversations sent to Inbox) and after Virtual Agent escalation divided by the total number of interactions. | percentage | 0.0 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
ACW Completed | Number of after-conversation work(ACW) that is completed | number | 00 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
ACW Offered | Number of after-conversation work that is offered | number | 00 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
ACW Rejected | Number of after-conversation work that is rejected | number | 00 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
ACW Timeout | Number of after-conversation work passed time. | number | 00 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
AVG ACW duration | Average after-conversation work duration | min | 00d 00h 00m 00s | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
AVG Messaging First Response Time | AVG First Response Time | average | 00d 00h 00m 00s | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
AVG Messaging Interaction Handle Time | AVG Interaction Handle Time | average | 00d 00h 00m 00s | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
AVG Messaging Interactions Duration | AVG Interaction Duration | average | 00d 00h 00m 00s | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
Interactions closed by Contact Person | Total number of interactions being closed by the Contact Person | number | 00 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
MAX ACW duration | Maximum after-conversation work duration | min | 00d 00h 00m 00s | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
MAX Messaging Interactions Duration | Maximum Interaction Duration | max | 00d 00h 00m 00s | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
MIN ACW duration | Minimum after-conversation work duration | min | 00d 00h 00m 00s | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
MIN Messaging Interactions Duration | Minimum Interaction Duration | min | 00d 00h 00m 00s | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
Number of Inbound Interactions | Number of Inbound Interactions | number | 00 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
Number of Outbound Interactions | Number of Outbound Interactions | number | 00 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
Total Messaging Interactions | Total number of Interactions regardless of their status | number | 00 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
Total Messaging Interactions Closed | Number of Interactions closed | number | 00 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
Total Messaging Interactions Open | Number of Interactions open | number | 00 | Messaging Interactions Metrics | Yes | measure |
Updated 4 months ago