Studio Flow Execution Report

This report details how many times a flow was triggered, with information regarding each step that was executed.



The data freshness of the Studio Flow Execution Report is 5 minutes.

Report Fields

Call_SIDInternal carrier assigned identifier used for troubleshooting purposes.
Flow Execution IDThe flow execution's unique identification number.
Interaction IDThe interaction's unique identification number.
Destination NumberNumber called by the caller.
Origin NumberCaller's number.
Flow Definition NameName of the executed flow.
Flow Definition IDThe flow's unique identification number.
Component TitleStudio component's name.
Executed Step NameStep's name configured in the flow.
Exit NameComponent's exit name.
Time In Step ExecutionStep's execution duration.
Step Execution Started TimeTime when the step's execution started.
Flow Execution Finished TimeTime when the flow's execution finished.
Step Execution OrderSequence number of the step in the interaction execution.

Hidden Exits

Apart from the predefined, user-facing list of exits of each step, there are some hidden exits that may also show up on this report.



The following table documents the behavior of the latest versions of the Studio components hidden exits. For information on the visible exits, please check our Studio advanced documentation.

Exit nameComponents using itWhat does it mean?
okForward to External

End flow
The step is executed as expected, resulting in the flow termination.

In the case of "Forward to External", it means that the call to the configured number was finished.
call_abortedAssignment and Dial

In "Assignment and Dial", it means that the agent hangs up the call during a blind transfer (when using Conversations and if the voicemail setting is "Always active").

In Callback, it occurs when the agent answers the call and hangs up while the contact person (the caller) is being dialed, or during a blind transfer from Agent A to Agent B, in which Agent B rejects the call (with voicemail setting enabled).
agent_rejectedCallbackThe agent rejects the call.
contact_rejectedCallbackThe contact person rejects or does not answer the call.
room_finishedAssignment and Dial

Play Audio

Standard IVR

Input IVR

Forward to External
The contact person hangs up the call.
blacklistInbound VoiceWhen the caller ID is part of the blocked phone numbers in Admin/Preferences.
completedVoicemailVoicemail has been recorded successfully.
failedVoicemailContact person did not leave a voicemail.
queue_size_limit_reachedAssignment and Dial

The operational queue size limit on Studio is reached and new requests for matching are blocked. The call is hung up.
transfer_to_flowAssignment and DialThe call was transferred to a Studio flow.



Unexpected component failures follow an โ€œerrorโ€œ exit, which is now visible and able to be configured by Flow Administrators. For more detailed information on the new Studio components' โ€œError Handlingโ€ section, please refer to Talkdesk Studio Advanced Documentation.