Metric Name | Description | Calculation | Metric Type |
Outbound Calls | Total number of calls placed by the agent, including outbound and outbound missed. | COUNT call type = outbound + outbound missed per agent | Count |
Inbound Calls | Total number of calls answered by the agent, includes inbound call type only. | COUNT call type = inbound per agent | Count |
Average Speed to Answer | Average time it takes an agent to answer the call after it started ringing (when inbound). | SUM speed inbound speed to answer / SUM inbound calls | Time in seconds |
Average Talk Time | Average of the actual talk time between the agent and the customer for inbound and outbound calls. | AVG talk time for call type = inbound answered + outbound connected | Time in seconds |
Total Calls | Total number of calls handled by the agent. This includes inbound, outbound and outbound missed. | SUM count call type = inbound + count call type outbound + outbound missed | Count |
Total Talk Time | Total talk time of all calls handled by the agent. | SUM talk time for call type = inbound answered + outbound connected | Time in seconds |
Agent Status Time Spent Per Status | Sum of status duration for each specific status for the given time frame. | SUM talk time for call type = inbound + outbound | Stacked bar graph legend with durations |
Agent Status Time Spent Per Status | Sum of status duration for each specific status for the given time frame. | SUM duration [status_x] | Stacked bar graph legend with durations' sum |
Updated about 5 years ago