Contacts Report

Interaction - The highest level component that comprises the full activity of a communication with a contact. It can include multiple contacts and each contact includes several, more granular, elements that are called segments.

Contact - A conversation can have multiple contacts depending on the outcome of the initial contact. Examples of situations that will trigger a new contact include: transfer; fallback to a different ring group. Contacts are the main reporting element for Supervisors and the one that will be used for staffing purposes (by monitoring queue SLA and queue AHT).

Answered contacts - inbound contacts that reached an agent and were answered.

Missed contacts - implies that the contact went through the flow, and reached a hang-up (it may or may not ring an agent but in both cases, it will be missed since there was no action by the contact person to leave the queue) or in case that after the assignment the Contact is terminated by a flow rule. Another situation is if a call hits the Maximum Time Out and is disconnected by the system or if the contact reaches the maximum queue time and goes to the next non-assignment component (examples: Standard IVR, Play Audio, etc) and the customer disconnects the contact at that moment. In this situation, the outcome/type of the contact will also be "missed".

Abandoned contacts - inbound contacts where the contact person finishes/disconnects the contact before reaching an agent (includes abandoned while ringing the agent). It is considered abandoned even if it rang an agent before. There was an explicit action by the caller to leave the queue.

Short abandoned contacts - inbound contacts disconnected by the contact person within the threshold defined in the system for short abandons.

Voicemails - The Assign & Dial lead to a voicemail component.

Connected contacts - outbound contacts where the connection was successful and the agent reached the contact person.

Not connected contacts - outbound contacts where the connection with the contact person was not successful ending in the contact being disconnected.

NameDescriptionTypeFormatSectionFilterFieldMetrics Calculation
Abandon Time The time between a contact’s entering queue and the caller’s disconnecting before reaching an agent. Excludes short abandons. Includes ringing time in cases where the contact is abandoned by the contact person while the agent is being rung. This information is only available when when contact type = seconds"##"ContactsYesdimension
ACW (after call work) Time Time it takes to wrap up a seconds"##"ContactsYesdimension
Agent DisconnectedAllows to see if it was the agent that disconnected the inbound/outbound call.

*For records existing prior to the implementation of this field, the Agent Disconnected value is null.
This field is marked as 'Yes' when the agent clicks the end call button. The field will be marked as 'No' if the call is disconnected due to connectivity problems beyond the agent's control.
Answered at Timestamp of the moment the contact was answered by an agent. Applies to inbound contacts timeyyyy-mm--dd hh:mm:ssContactsYesdimension
Answer TimestampThe time reference used to filter the timeframe for analysis. It is based on the 'Answered at' timestamp of each contact timeFiltersYesdimension
Callback Whether or not the contact person requested a callback from queue.
Values are 'true' and 'false'. Includes requests from Callback API.
stringtrue / falseContactsYesdimension
Company Number For inbound calls, this is the DNIS.

For outbound calls, it is the number of the party the agent dialed.
Connected At For outbound only. Timestamp of the moment the contact person answered the contact the agent timeyyyy-mm--dd hh:mm:ssContactsYesdimension
Connect Timestamp The time reference used to filter the timeframe for analysis, based on the 'Connected At' timestamp for each contact timeFiltersYesdimension
Contact ID Unique identifier for Contact recordsContactsYesdimension
Contact Person Number For inbound, this is the caller's ANI.

For outbound, this is the agent's Talkdesk ANI.
Contact Type Inbound contact types include:
short-abandoned, and

Outbound contact types include: Connected and Not Connected

For voice channel, contacts are considered answered when the agent connects to the caller.

For digital channels, contacts are considered answered when the agent sends a reply.

Contacts are considered missed in the following use cases:

1. No eligible agents become available before the contact reaches the end of the flow

2. All agents to whom an assignment attempt was made either reject or ignore the assignment attempt.

Contacts are considered abandoned when the contact person disconnects while waiting in queue.

Short Abandon
Abandons are determined to be short abandons when the abandon time is <= the short abandon threshold set in the account configuration.

This means the flow reached a voicemail component; it does not guarantee that the contact person actually left a voicemail. Contacts with 'Voicemail' contact type end once the transition to voicemail is done and the agent has finished ACW, if applicable
Contacts Ring GroupThe queue (ring group) in which the contact arrived.
For Studio flows, this is identified by the value in the Studio Reporting component. When the Reporting component is not used, the Contacts Ring Group is the ring group of the first Assign & Dial component of the flow branch.

For classic routing, the Contacts Ring Group is the ring group assigned to the Number, or the ring group assigned to the IVR selection in the routing configuration.
Connect TimeFor outbound contacts only.

For connected contacts, it is the time it took to connect to the contact person.

For not connected contacts (wrong number, busy, voicemail) it is the time it took to attempt connection to the contact person.
in seconds"##"ContactsYesdimension
Data StatusYou can include or exclude records with errors. This filter will have three options available: “Valid”, “Damaged”, and “All”. By default, only “Valid” records will be visible.

Valid Records - Regularly Processed Records.
Damaged Records - Those are corrupted caused by missing events in call records.
Direct Assignment IDsUnique identifier for Direct Assignment Assignment User(s).string
Direct Assignment User(s) Dimension regarding the direct assignment on Studio Flows. Reflects the User(s) to whom the contact was first configured to be assigned. This dimension does not consider transfers, only the first direct assignment details set in the flow. In cases where more than one user is configured, it will show the list of users in the format: user 1 + user 2 + user 3stringContactsNodimension
Direct Assignment User(s) (filter)Filter that allows to configure the outcome of the Direct Assignment User(s) dimension.stringFiltersYesdimension
Direction Indicates whether the contact is inbound or outboundstringContactsYesdimension
Duration The difference between 'Finished at' and 'Started at' timestamps, displayed in secondsnumber###ContactsYesdimension
External Number (Forward)This dimension will return the phone number to which the contact was forwarded in the following use cases:

1. Forward to External Number is configured in Studio

2. Direct Assignment to an External Phone in Studio

3. An External Phone Number is configured in the Agents’ Profile

4. An If-No-Answer Phone Number is configured in the Numbers’ Settings

5. If a contact is transferred to an External Number
Finished atThe date/time the contact timeyyyy-mm--dd hh:mm:ss
Finish Timestamp The time reference used to filter the timeframe for analysis, based on the 'Finished at' timestamp of each contact record.FiltersYesdimension
Handle time The time it takes a user/agent to handle a contact. The time starts when the agent is assigned to the contact and ends the moment the agent ends the After Call Work (ACW) status .

Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + ACW time
Handling Ring GroupThe Ring Group where the contact was finally handled. This may or may not be the 'Contact Ring Group'.
Hard Hold Time Duration of the time when the agent explicitly pressed the hold button.seconds##Yesdimension
Hold time Dimension that reflects the sum of both Soft and Hard hold durationsseconds##Yesdimension
Inside Business Hours If the contact reached the contact center inside the defined Business Hours (note: true or false)stringtrue / falseContactsYesdimension
Inside Service Level Denotes if the contact was answered inside the defined wait time threshold.

Applies only to answered contacts.
stringtrue / falseContactsYesdimension
Interaction ID Unique identifier for Interaction records.stringContactsYesdimension
Last ContactIdentifies if the contact the agent disconnected is the last contact of the interaction on inbound/outbound calls.stringyes/noContactsNoboolean
Phone Display Name This is the name that is customized by the user in the Custom Settings of the Company Number in the 'Friendly Name' field. The report returns the name of the number at the time the report is run, not at the time the contact occurred.stringContactsYesdimension
Ring Group NameRing Group is the queue where the contact was assigned at assignment moment.string##Ring Group IdentificationNodimension
Ring TimeThe total time it took for an agent to answer the contact after it first started ringing; reported in seconds##ContactsYesdimension
Short Abandon Time For contacts identified as short abandoned, the time between reaching the queue and the contact person's abandoning while in seconds"##"ContactsYesdimension
Soft Hold Time Duration of time the contact person is put on hold due to a warm seconds"##"ContactsYesdimension
Started AtContact timestamp record regardless of direction (inbound or outbound).date timeyyyy-mm--dd hh:mm:ssContactsNodimension
Start TimestampThe time reference used to filter the timeframe for analysis, based on the started at timestamp of each timeFiltersYesdimension
Talk Time Calculates the total talk time for inbound and outbound contacts. The timer begins when the contact person starts interacting with an agent, and ends when the contact is finished or transferred.

Talk time excludes:
- Hold time
- Ring time
- ACW time
in seconds"##"ContactsYesdimension
Team IDUnique identifier for the team of the agent who handled the contact.
Team Name Name of the team of the agent who handled the contact.stringContactsYesdimension
Time to Missed The time between a contact's entering the queue and the time the contact is considered missed. (See contact type for more information)

This dimension will only contain information when the contact type = missed
in seconds"##"ContactsYesdimension
Time to VoicemailThe time between a contact's entering the queue and reaching a voicemail seconds##ContactsYesdimension
Timezone Timezone reference to filter the data. The default value is the Account Timezone.

When another time zone is selected, data will be reflected in that timezone.
Transfer Out (Yes/No)A contact is considered transferred out when when an agent transfers the contact to another agent, a queue, or an external number.

The transfer must be completed before it is marked as a transfer in the report.

For Warm Transfers this means the agent adds the contact person to the transfer and completes the transfer to the other agent.

For Blind Transfers this means transfer is answered.
Transfer Out TypeIf the Transfer Out was a Warm or Blind Transfer
Transfer In (Yes/No)Transfer in = 'Yes' if the contact was transferred into the queue or transferred to the agent from another agent.string(Yes/No)Yesdimension
Transfer In TypeIf the Transfer In was a Warm or Blind Transferstring(Warm/Blind)Yesdimension
User IDUnique identifier for an agent record.string
User Name Name of the user (agent) who answered an inbound contact, or who initiated an outbound contact.stringContactsYesdimension
Wait Time The time between a contact's entering the queue and being assigned to an seconds"##"ContactsYesdimensionWait time = Queue time + Ring time + Time spent on any component after the first assignment_.

_The take non-queue related components into consideration, e.g. the Play Audio component that the Contact Person listens to before reaching the agent
Within Service Level ThresholdDenotes if the contact was answered inside the defined wait time threshold.

Applies to all contact types.
stringtrue / falseContactsYesdimension