Digital Engagement: Digital Messages

Report containing the granularity of each Message within the different Contacts. Each row will represent one message sent or received on the Contact Center.

Channel TypeChannel used for this contact *stringMessaging TrafficYes
Contact IDUnique identifier for ContactsstringMessaging TrafficYes
Contact Person IDID of the Contact PersonstringMessaging TrafficYes
Contact Person NameName of the Contact PersonstringMessaging TrafficYes
Interaction IDUnique identifier for InteractionsstringMessaging TrafficYes
Message Created atTimestamp when the message was createddate timeyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssMessaging TrafficYes
Message DirectionSource of the Message (Inbound/Outbound)stringMessaging TrafficYes
Message IDUnique identifier for the messagestringMessaging TrafficYes
User IDID of the User (Agent, Admin, Supervisor)stringMessaging TrafficYes
User NameName of the User (Agent, Admin, Supervisor)stringMessaging TrafficYes

The channel type can be SMS, Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. E.g. when doing specific visualizations for SMS, always filter the Channel Type to be equal to SMS.