QM Random Sampling

This dataset is available for accounts that have Quality Management (QM) enabled.

By clicking on the Create button in Talkdesk Explore™ reporting tool, users can access the complete dataset as described below, where every field can also be turned into a pivot or a filter.

This dataset updates during the night, after the Random Sampling rules have run.

Sampling Evaluations

Desired FieldExample/FormatTypeNotes
AgentIncludes the “Name”, “e-mail”, and the agent’s ID. < E,g: Name Surname ([email protected] )[60643r3de2aef33b6e396105] >Text (string)
Agent Email[email protected]Text (string)
Agent ID349485789f228e60070f9d28Text (string)Unique agent ID.
Agent NameTom AgentText (string)
Disposition IDcef9c494b79dcdbea4a0094010470882Text (String)ID of the disposition the call has, if any.
Disposition NameNot InterestedText (String)Name of the disposition of the call, if any
Evaluation Created Date2021-09-13 9:32:31TimeDate when the evaluation was created
Evaluation Due Date2021-18-13 9:32:31 (currently not in use)TimeDate of when the evaluation is due to be submitted
Evaluation IDe928dhj57-2e5c-43a1-ab01-ccjasdh8ef4f0aText (string)Unique evaluation ID.
EvaluatorIncludes the “Name”, “e-mail”, and the Evaluator’s ID. < E,g: Name Surname ([email protected] )[60643r3de2aef33b6e396105] >Text (string)Name of the evaluator to whom the evaluation was assigned
Evaluator Email[email protected]Text (string)E-mail of the evaluator to whom the evaluation was assigned
Evaluator ID8475gh29j48afe45634a522fText (string)Unique ID” of the evaluator that performed the evaluation (if the evaluation is performed by the AI, it will be "AI Scored Evaluation").
Evaluation StatusTo-do, Draft, Completed, etc.Text (string)Enumerated values representing the various statuses of evaluations as they progress through the evaluation process.
Evaluator NameAmy the EvaluatorText (string)Name of the evaluator that performed the evaluation (If performed by the AI, this field will be empty until it is edited by an evaluator, and then, their name will be registered here).
Form ID93uejd8345h62854f801762e192416000aText (string)Unique ID of the form used for the evaluation
Form NameAI Demo Form 3.0Text (string)Name of the form used for the evaluation.
Form Version0NumberThe version of the form used for the evaluation.
Interaction Date2021-09-13 9:32:31TimeDate and time when the interaction took place.
Interaction DurationNumberTotal duration of the call, in seconds
Interaction ID“Unique ID” of the interaction used for this evaluation. It can be “empty” if the evaluation was made outside the platform).Text (string)Unique ID for the interaction the evaluation is based on.
Queue NamesQueues the call was part of.Text (String)List of queues/ring groups
Team ID585f9ab2786e4511980b195a7fb9d7efText (string)Unique team ID. Can be “null” if the person doesn’t belong to any teams.
Team NameAmy's TeamText (string)Name of the team the evaluated person belongs to. It can be “null”.

Random Sampling Rule Details

This group of data points represent a random sampling rule, the agents and evaluators involved and all the configurations.

Desired FieldExample/FormatTypeNotes
Agent EmailsText (String)List of agent emails
Agent IDsText (String)List of agent IDs
Agent NamesText (String)List of agent names
AI Distributiontrue/falseBooleanWas the distribution of AI Pending evaluation included in this rule
AI Distribution PreferenceOriginal/AI pendingText (String)Original means that first the system tries to distribute interactions that haven’t been evaluated. AI Pending means that first the system will try to pick incomplete AI evaluations and assign them to the evaluators, only after if still needed will pick other interactions.
Calls Pickup PeriodPrevious week/Previous month/Current month/Last 30 daysText (string)Optional setting that defines the period from where the system will mainly try to obtain the interactions to distribute.
Delete Incomplete Evaluations After22NumberThe number of days after which the incomplete evaluations should be deleted.
DescriptionText (String)Description of the rule as entered by the creator.
Due Date Configuration (not currently used)Last day of month/Last Friday of month/Specific dayText (String)
Due Date Specific Day (not currently used)NumberDay of the month if Specific day is selected
Evaluations per Agent10NumberNumber of evaluations the system should try to provide, per agent selected.
Evaluations per Agent PeriodWeekly/MonthlyText (String)Number of evaluations the system should try to provide, per agent selected, for the selected period (week/month).
Evaluations Percentage per Agent20Number% of evaluations the system should try to provide, per agent selected.
Evaluator EmailsText (String)List of evaluator emails
Evaluator IDsText (String)List of evaluator IDs
Evaluator NamesText (String)List of evaluator names
Goal30 evaluations per agent per weekText (String)The goal of the rule as seen on the Random Sample list page
Last Updated At Date2021-09-13 9:32:31TimeDate of the last update
Last Updated By5efcabe862c1f37280574dc5Text (String)ID of the user that last updated the rule
Max Duration7200NumberOptional. Maximum length of the calls to consider in the sampling, in seconds
Min Duration60NumberOptional. Minimum length of the calls to consider in the sampling, in seconds
Possible Evaluators EmailsText (String)List of evaluators emails that the system selected as potential and will try to distribute interactions to.
Possible Evaluators IdsText (String)List of evaluators IDs that the system selected as potential and will try to distribute interactions to.
Possible Evaluators NamesText (String)List of evaluator names that are being considered and the system will try to distribute interactions to.
This and above items are always going to be for the same evaluator list.
Queue NamesText (String)List of queues/ring groups to consider calls from for the sampling
Rule NameSales calls samplingText (String)
Team Ids585f9ab2786e4511980b195a7fb9d7efText (String)Optional. List of team IDs if the rule was configured using Teams.
Team NamesText (String)Optional. List of team names if the rule was configured using Teams