Agent Sentiment
Metric Name | Description | Calculation | Metric Type |
CSAT Average | Average of the CSAT scores received - average of CSAT score for the calls where a valid CSAT score was received. | AVG of CSAT scores received | Number |
CSAT Response Rate | Number of CSAT scores received versus the number of surveys sent. | COUNT CSAT scores received / COUNT CSAT surveys sent | Percentage |
CSAT Surveys Sent | Total number of CSAT surveys sent. | COUNT CSAT surveys sent | Count |
CSAT Responses Received | Total number of CSAT scores received. | COUNT CSAT scores received | Count |
Mood Average | Average of the Mood scores logged by agent - average mood for the calls where a mood (happy = 5, neutral = 3 or unhappy = 1) was collected. | AVG of mood scores logged (score = 5 OR 3 OR 1) | Number |
Mood Completion | Number of Mood submissions received versus the number of post-call prompts presented - number of calls where mood was collected / number of calls where the after call work window was prompted. | COUNT of mood scores / COUNT ACW window prompts | Percentage |
Updated about 5 years ago