WFM Schedules

This dataset is available for accounts that have WFM (Workforce Management) enabled.

1. What does each field represent?

Desired FieldDescriptionTypeFormatSectionFilterField
Agent NameFull Name of the AgentStringNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Agent IDAgent IDStringNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Agent QueuesList of all Queues that agents belong toStringNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Agent TeamTeam that agents belong toStringNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Created At DateTimestamp of when the event is createdDate TimeDate, month, quarter, time, week, yearSchedule ReportYesDimension
Edition IDSchedule ID for the moment it was sent to ExploreStringNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Event DescriptionDescription of the Event (from the field Add description on Events)StringNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Event DurationMeasured in secondsNumberNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Event Duration (minutes)Measured in minutesNumberNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Event End DateTimestamp when the event endedDate TimeDate, month, quarter, time, week, yearSchedule ReportYesDimension
Event IDUnique ID of the eventStringNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Event Pay StatusDisplays if the event is Paid or UnpaidStringNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Event Start DateTimestamp when the event startedDate TimeDate, month, quarter, time, week, yearSchedule ReportYesDimension
Event Type IDEvent Type ID (same ID for each event type)StringNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Event Type NameType of event such as “E-mail, Phone, Lunch”StringNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Event Type UsageDisplays if the event is a Shift or a BreakStringNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Team IDUnique ID of an agent’s assigned teamStringNoneSchedule ReportYesDimension
Updated At DateTimestamp of when the event is updatedDate TimeDate, month, quarter, time, week, yearSchedule ReportYesDimension

When is the data synced with Explore?
The report refreshes every hour to ensure the latest schedules are captured, including any changes made to schedules within the past 90 days. However, schedule changes made beyond the 90-day window won't be reflected in the report..**