Live Metrics
Contact - A conversation can have multiple contacts depending on the outcome of the initial contact. Examples of situations that will trigger a new contact include: transfer; fallback to a different ring group. Contacts are the main reporting element for Supervisors and the one that will be used for staffing purposes (by monitoring queue SLA and queue AHT).
Answered contacts - inbound contacts that reached an agent and were answered.
Missed contacts - implies that the contact went through the flow, and reached a hang-up (it may or may not ring an agent but in both cases, it will be missed since there was no action by the contact person to leave the queue) or in case that after the assignment the Contact is terminated by a flow rule.
Abandoned contacts - inbound contacts where the contact person finishes/disconnects the contact before reaching an agent (includes abandoned while ringing the agent). It is considered abandoned even if it rang an agent before. There was an explicit action by the caller to leave the queue.
Short abandoned contacts - inbound contacts disconnected by the contact person within the threshold defined in the system for short abandons.
Connected contacts - outbound contacts where the connection was successful and the agent reached the contact person.
Not connected contacts - outbound contacts where the connection with the contact person was not successful ending in the contact being disconnected.
name | definition | calculation | time span | breakdown | filter | vizualization | format | perspective |
Abandon Rate | The percent of contacts offered that abandoned. Excludes short abandons. | sum(Abandoned) / sum(Inbound) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | Queue | Queue | number // gauge breakdown: table | % | Queue |
Abandon Contacts | When a caller disconnects after reaching queue but before being connected to an agent, including contacts disconnected while ringing. Excludes short abandons. | sum(Abandoned) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | Queue | Queue | number breakdown: table | 0 | Queue |
Answered Contacts | The number of contacts answered | sum(Answered) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | "Queue" | "Queue Team" | number breakdown: donut | 0 | Queue |
Arrived Contacts | Contacts that enter queue and still don't have a final state. This is a live metric that increments in real time. | sum(Arrived) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | Queue | Queue | number breakdown: table | 0 | Queue |
Avg. Abandon Time | The average duration of time between a contacts’s entering queue and the caller’s disconnecting before reaching an agent. Excludes short abandons. | sum(Time to Abandon) / sum(Abandoned) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | Queue | Queue | number breakdown: table | 0:00:00 | Queue |
Avg. Handle Time | The amount of time on average it takes to handle a contact. Includes wrap-up time (after call work). | sum(Handle Time) / sum(Answered) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | "Queue Team" | "Queue Team " | number breakdown: table | 0:00:00 | Queue Agent |
Avg. Wait Time | The average duration of time between a contact’s entering the queue and being answered by an agent. Includes callbacks. Only answered contacts. | sum(Queue Time) + sum(Ring Time) / sum(Contacts with Wait Time) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | Queue | Queue | number breakdown: table | 0:00:00 | Queue |
Count of Agents Logged-In | The number of agents logged in the system regardless of their status (does not count offline) | count(agents logged in) | Live | Queue Team Status | Queue Team Status | number breakdown: table | 0 | Agent |
Inbound Contacts | Total number of offered contacts. Includes missed, abandoned, short abandoned, voicemails and answered (contacts already finished) | sum(Answered+Missed+Abandoned+Short-Abandoned) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | "Queue Status" | Queue Status | number breakdown: table | 0 | Queue |
Live Contacts in Progress (Inbound) | Contacts that are already being handled. Does not include contacts in ACW state. Does not include contacts in ACW state. | sum(Answered) status = ongoing | Live | "Queue Team" | "Queue Team" | number breakdown: table | 0 | Queue Agent |
Live Contacts in Progress (Outbound) | Outgoing contacts connected or waiting for connection. | sum(Outbound started) status = ongoing | Live | "Queue Type" | "Queue Type" | number breakdown: table | 0 | Queue |
Live Contacts in Queue | Contacts that enter queue and are waiting to be handled. | sum(Queued) status = waiting | Live | Queue | Queue | number breakdown: table | 0 | Queue |
Live Contacts (Inbound) | Contacts that enter queue and are waiting or are being handled | sum(Answered+Queued) | Live | "Queue Type" | "Queue Type" | number breakdown: table | 0 | Queue |
Live Contacts list | List of contacts that enter queue and are waiting or are being handled. Includes contacts ringing and in ACW. | "Dimensions: Direction Status Agent Contact Number Ring Groups Live ring groups Callback Measures: Duration" | Live | n/a | Teams Status Direction Queue | list | n/a | Queue Agent |
Live Agents list | List of agents logged per status | "Dimensions: Agent Ring Groups Status Measure: Time in Status" | Live | n/a | Teams Status Direction Queue | list | n/a | Agent |
Longest Wait time | The highest duration of time between a contact’s entering the queue and being answered by an agent. Includes callbacks. | max(wait time) | Live | Queue | Queue | number breakdown: table | 0:00:00 | Queue |
Missed Contacts | The number of contacts routed to at least one agent that do not get answered by an agent. Contacts terminated by a flow configuration are also considered missed (even if they were not routed to any agent but reached an assignment component or callback timeout). | sum(Missed) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | Queue | Queue | number breakdown: table | 0 | Queue |
Service Level | The percentage of Offered contacts that were answered within the wait time threshold set by the customer. | sum(Within Service Level) / (sum(Inbound)-sum(short abandoned)) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | Queue | Queue | number // gauge breakdown: table | % | Queue |
Outbound contacts | Total number of placed contacts. Contacts started on the contact center side. | sum(Outbound Connected+Outbound Not Connected) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | Queue Team | Queue Status | number breakdown: table | 0 | Queue |
Outbound connected contacts | Total number of placed contacts. Contacts started on the contact center side. Includes only the contacts that were connected to a person. | sum(Outbound Connected) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | Queue Team | Queue | number breakdown: table | 0 | Queue |
Outbound not connected contacts | Total number of placed contacts. Contacts started on the contact center side. Includes only the contacts that were not connected (includes voicemails left on the contact person answering machine?). | sum(Outbound Not Connected) | "Last 15 minutes Last 30 minutes Last hour Today" | "Queue Team" | Queue | number breakdown: table | 0 | Queue |
Live Contacts (Outbound) | Count of unfinished outbound contact | sum(connected+dialing) | Live | Team Queue Type (connecting, in progress, acw) | Queue Type | number breakdown: table | 0 | Queue |
Unassigned Contacts List | Lists the digital contacts that have not yet been assigned to an agent. | Dimensions: Channel Queues Contact Info Measure: Duration | Live | n/a | Channel Queues | list | n/a | Queue |
Longest Hold Time | For all the contacts on hold at a given moment, the widget shows the longest contact’s duration on hold. | max(hold time) | Live | Queue Team Direction | Queue Team Direction | number breakdown: table | 0:00:00 | Queue |
Outbound Live Agents per Campaign | List of agents associated with an Outbound Dialer Campaign | Dimensions: Agent Campaign Record List Record Info Dialing Mode Callback Measure: Time in Status | Live | n/a | Campaign Dialing Mode Record List Status | list | n/a | Agents |
Oubound Live Campaigns | List of running campaigns and respective metrics | Dimensions: Campaign Measures: Calls ringing: Sum of calls ringing to customers Calls in progress: Sum of calls in progress Agents in preview screen: Sum of agents in preview screen Available records to dial: Total records to dial in the next ten minutes Records progress: Sum of records in the associated lists with completed statuses (success, exhausted, DNCL, deleted, invalid number) / sum of records historically added to the campagin from the current associated lists | Live | n/a | Campaign name and Dialing mode | List | n/a | Campaigns |
Updated 12 months ago