Number Details Dashboard
Metric Name | Description | Calculation | Metric Type |
Phone Number | The phone number through which the call was made or received. | No calculation | Number |
Total Calls | Total number of inbound and outbound calls handled using this phone number. This includes Inbound (Answered), and Outbound (Connected and Not Connected). | sum(count(Inbound Answered), count (Outbound Connected), count(Outbound Not Connected)) | Number |
Service Level | Percentage of missed and answered calls received in business hours with waiting time inferior to the service level threshold. | = [business hours = TRUE (number of cal type = inbound and missed within threshold/number of calls inbound and missed)] * 100 per number | Percentage |
Total Wait Time | Total time callers waited for their calls (considering all inbound calls unless short abandoned) using this phone number. | sum wait time per number | Time in seconds |
Average Wait Time | Average time callers waited for their calls (considering all inbound calls unless short abandoned) using this phone number | AVG wait time per number | Time in seconds |
Longest Wait Time | Longest time callers waited for their calls (considering all inbound calls unless short abandoned) using this phone number | avg wait time for call type = abandoned + hang up = waiting | Time in seconds |
Average Abandon Time | Average time a caller waited for their call to be answered before hanging up. | AVG wait time for call type = abandoned + hang up = waiting | Time in seconds |
Number of Inbound Calls | Number of inbound calls received on this phone number during a specific time frame segmented by call type. The call types can be Answered, Missed, or Voicemails. | count(call type = inbound answered, missed, voicemail) | Stacked bar graph legend with durations |
Total Duration | Total duration of all inbound call answered on this number. | sum (call type = inbound) of talk time per number | Time in seconds |
Number of Outbound Calls | Number of outbound calls placed using this phone number during a specific time frame segmented by call type. | count(call type = Outbound Connected and Outbound Not Connected) | Stacked bar graph legend with durations |
Connected Calls | Total number of outbound calls placed using this phone number that were answered. | count(call type = Outbound Connected) | Number |
Total Duration | Total duration of all outbound calls placed using this number that were answered. | sum of duration for outgoing answered calls per number (end time - start time) |
Updated over 1 year ago