WFM Team Schedules Report

Agent NameName of the agentStringAgent FieldsYesDimension
Agent IDID of the agentStringAgent FieldsYesDimension
Agent QueuesList of queues associated to the agentStringAgent FieldsYesDimension
Agent TeamName of the team the agent belongs toStringAgent FieldsYesDimension
Event Type NameType of event such as “E-mail, Phone, Lunch”StringScheduled Event FieldsYesDimension
Event Start TimeTimestamp when the event startedDate Timeyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssScheduled Event FieldsYes. The filter name is “Date”Dimension
Event End TimeTimestamp when the event endedDate Timeyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssScheduled Event FieldsNoDimension
Event Duration (min)Measured in minutesNumberScheduled Event FieldsNoDimension
Event Pay StatusDisplays if the event is Paid or UnpaidStringScheduled Event FieldsYesDimension
Event Type UsageDisplays if the event is a Shift or a BreakStringScheduled Event FieldsYesDimension
Created AtTimestamp of when the event is createdDate Timeyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssScheduled Event FieldsNoDimension
Updated AtTimestamp of when the event is updatedDate Timeyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssScheduled Event FieldsNoDimension
Event IDUnique ID of the eventStringScheduled Event FieldsNoDimension