Calls Report

Includes all calls that have been made / received during a period of time, as well as detailed information about each one: time, duration, type, agent, call disposition, description, recording, waiting times, etc.

These are the available filters in the Calls Report:

  • Agent
  • Call Ring Group
  • Date
  • Phone Number
  • Dedicated Line
  • Timezone
  • Call Disposition
  • Interaction ID
Metric NameDescriptionCalculationMetric TypePerspective
Agent DisconnectedAllows to see if it was the agent that disconnected the inbound/outbound call.

*For records existing prior to the implementation of this field, the Agent Disconnected value is null.

This field is marked as 'Yes' when the agent clicks the end call button. The field will be marked as 'No' if the call is disconnected due to connectivity problems beyond the agent's control.
no calculationStringAgent, Queue
Callsid The call's unique identification calculationString
Call type The call type (i.e., outbound, outbound_missed, inbound, missed, abandoned, short_abandoned or voicemail).no calculationStringQueue
Data StatusYou can include or exclude records with errors. This filter will have three options available: “Valid”, “Damaged”, and “All”. By default, only “Valid” records will be visible.

Valid Records - Regularly Processed Records.
Damaged Records - Those are corrupted caused by missing events in call records.
no calculationString
Start Time The date and time record of when the contact was received or calculationDate timeQueue
End Time The date and time record of when the contact ended or was calculationDate timeQueue
Talkdesk Phone Number This is the number the customer called (for inbound or missed calls), or the phone number that the call was made from (for outbound calls).no calculationNumberQueue
Customer Phone Number This is the number the caller called from (for inbound calls), or the number the call was placed to (for outbound calls).no calculationNumberQueue
Talk Time Calculates the total talk time for inbound and outbound calls. The timer begins when the customer is connected to an agent, and ends when the call is disconnected. It does not include the time spent ringing nor the time spent in After Call Work (ACW), but it does include hold time during the calculationTime in secondsQueue
Talk Time per Call (filter only) The filter Talk Time per Call allows the user to see calls with talk time within a specific threshold, for instance calls where the talk time is less than 30 seconds. It will filter data record by calculationTime in secondsQueue
Record The link to the call calculationurlQueue
Hangup The reason why the call ended (i.e., waiting = caller hung up while in the waiting queue; ivr = caller hung up while in the ivr; transfer = caller hung up during a transfer; hold = caller hung up while on hold; disconnected: all other hangup causes).no calculationStringQueue
In Business Hours? Whether or not the call was placed or received during business hours (TRUE or FALSE).no calculationStringQueue
Callback From Queue? Whether or not the caller requested a callback whilst in the queue (note: TRUE or FALSE).no calculationStringQueue
Waiting Time How long the caller waited for their call to be answered or to go to voicemail in seconds. Does not include IVR nor voice prompts but includes ringing time and other duration of pre-queue calculationTime in secondsQueue
Agent Speed to Answer Time it took for the agent to answer the call after it started calculationTime in secondsQueue
Holding Time Total time the caller was placed on hold during the call. This metric counts only instances in which the agent places the caller on hold during inbound/outbound calls via Talkdesk Keypad, and does not include holds that are a result of calculationTime in secondsQueue
Rating The rating (on a scale of 1-5; 5 being excellent) the agent gave to the quality of the calculationNumberQueue
Description The note the agent took at the end of the calculationStringQueue
Agent Name The name, e-mail and user ID of the user placing the call or receiving the call. This classification under Agent is also provided when there’s a forwarding to a number either internal or external managed by Studio configurations in a component. If the "Agent" has already been deleted when a report is generated, "Deleted Agent" will appear instead of the aforementioned calculationStringQueue
Phone Display Name The name your company assigned to the phone number from where the call was made or calculationNumberQueue
Disposition Code The disposition code applied to the calculationStringQueue
Transfer? Whether a call was 'Warm', 'Blind' or not calculationStringQueue
Handling Agent Identifies the agent transferring the calculationStringQueue
Tags Shows the ring groups dialed during the call. If the call was received on an agent’s dedicated phone number or was directly routed to an agent after being dropped using intelligent reconnect, it will display the agent’s calculationStringQueue
IVR Options Displays the IVR options dialed during the call in a comma-separated string. If you see -1 here, that means no buttons were pressed. The IVR Options only populate data when users are using Classic IVR. This does not apply to Studio. If your call is being routed in Studio this field will show as calculationNumberQueue
CSAT Score Provides the valid responses to your CSAT SMS surveys sent back from a calculationNumberQueue
CSAT Survey Time Provides the time at which the CSAT survey was sent (empty field means that no survey was sent for that call).no calculationTime stampQueue
Team Team of the last agent involved in a calculationStringQueue
Rating Reason Reason provided by the agent to classify the quality of the call with the rate calculationStringQueue