Outbound Dialer Campaign Records Dataset

The dataset includes metrics related to the records loaded to the campaigns of the Outbound Dialer. It introduces visibility on the record level, provides a holistic picture of the status of all records and how they were being attempted. Campaign managers and business users are both potential users of the dataset, they both have interests in understanding their list penetration and making adjustments to their lists, like reprioritizing certain records to be dialed.

Metric NameDescriptionMetric TypeFilter
Campaign IDThe ID of the campaign which the record is loaded to.StringYes
Campaign NameThe name of the campaign which the record is loaded to, it is a snapshot.StringYes
List IDThe ID of the record list where the record comes from.StringYes
List NameThe name of the record list where the record comes from, it is a snapshot. When record status is OPEN, the field is null.StringYes
Record IDThe ID of the record.StringYes
Connected DateThe timestamp when the record was connected with an agent. If the record is not connected, the field is null.Date time
Connection Interaction IDThe unique identification of the call/attempt in which the record was connected with an agent. If the record is not connected, the field is null.StringYes
First Attempt DateThe timestamp when the record was first called. If the record hasn’t been called, the field is null.Date time
First Attempt Interaction IDThe unique identification of call/ attempt when the record was first been called.
If the record hasn’t been callled, the field is null.
In preview dialing mode, skip (requeue, reschedule, finalize) doesn’t count as attempt.
PhoneWhen record status is OPEN, it’s the first number of the record; When record has been called, it’s the phone number which was called in the last time.Number
Record Created DateThe timestamp when the record was created.Date time
Record Opened DateThe timestamp when the record was first loaded to campaign.Date timeYes
Record Closed DateThe timestamp when the record came to a final status (success, exhausted, DNCL, invalid number).
Record deletion won’t impact the field.
Date time
Record Extra DataThe extra data of the record, it is a snapshot.Array
StatusThe current status of the record. The possibilities are:
- Success: the record was successfully reached.
- Exhausted: all the attempts were done and the record couldn’t be successfully reached.
- DNCL: the record was added to the the DNC list.
- Invalid number: all phone number(s) of the record were in DNCL.
- Open: no attempts were made so far.
- Retry: the record was retried but wasn’t connected, neither exhausted yet.
Record deletion won’t overwrite Status.
Is Deleted (Yes / No)If a record was deleted, the value is Yes.
But if the record list is deleted, or the record list’s associated campaign is deleted, or the record list is unassociated from campaign, the row of record will disappear from the dataset.
Given a record list is unassociated from a campaign, then it is associated back, all the fields will be recovered.
Total AttemptsTotal number of attempts were made to the record.
In preview dialing mode, skip (requeue, reschedule, finalize) doesn’t add to total attempts.