Ring Attempts

The set of dimensions that allows analyzing if whether a call was answered, ignored or rejected by an agent

Type detail

count - origins from a count within a distribution
date - measures that contain dates
number - measures that contain numbers
string - measures that contain letters or special characters
sum - sum of values within a distribution

Answered Ring AttemptsRing attempts that reached an agent and were answered.sum##Ring Attemptsnomeasure
% Answered Ring AttemptsThe % Ring attempts that reached an agent and were answered for the given timeframe and other filtering.

The percentage is calculated considering the Total Requested Ring Attempts.
percentage##.#%Ring Attemptsnomeasure
DateThe time reference used to filter the timeframe for analysis, based on the started at timestamp of each ring attempts.dateFiltersyesdimension
Ignored Ring Attemptssum####Ring Attemptsnomeasure
% Ignored Ring AttemptsThe % of Ring Attempts where the ring time of the ring was exhausted before the Agent accepted the contact. the ring Attempts for the given timeframe and other filtering.

The percentage is calculated considering the Total Requested Ring Attempts.
percentage##.#%Ring Attemptsnomeasure
Rejected Ring Attemptssum####Ring Attemptsnomeasure
% Rejected Ring AttemptsThe % of the Ring Attempts where there was an explicit action from the Agent and clicked the button to reject the contact for the given timeframe and other filtering.

The percentage is calculated considering the Total Requested Ring Attempts.
percentage##.#%Ring Attemptsnomeasure
NameThe user name. User to whom the ring attempt(s) were directedstringUseryesdimension
Team NameThe team of the last agent to whom the ring attempt was directed.
Null if such an agent is not on a team.
Total Ring AttemptsAttempts that successfully rang the Agent.sum###Ring Attemptsnomeasure
Performance Along the day Percentage of Answered Rejected and Ignored combined with the criteria used to filter the data (can be filtered by team and provided an aggregated view or filtered by name a provide information on an individual performance of an agent).