Ring Attempts Dataset

Type detail

count - origins from a count within a distribution
date - measures that contain dates
number - measures that contain numbers
string - measures that contain letters or special characters
sum - sum of values within a distribution

AgentUser to whom was directed the ring attempt(s)stringFiltersYESdimension
% Answered Ring AttemptsThe % Ring attempts that reached an agent and were answered for the given timeframe and other filtering.

The percentage is calculated considering the Total Requested Ring Attempts.
%## .##%Ring AttemptsYESmeasure
% Cancelled Ring AttemptsThe % of Cancelled Ring Attempts that can be:

1. attempts that were answered by other agent listed in the same batch;
2. attempts where the contact person (caller) disconnected;
3. transferred contacts where the transferring agent disconnects the transfer.

The percentage is calculated considering the Total Ring Attempts.
%## .##%Ring AttemptsYESmeasure
% Ignored Ring AttemptsThe % of Ring Attempts where the ring time of the ring was exhausted before the Agent accepted the contact. the ring Attempts for the given timeframe and other filtering.

The percentage is calculated considering the Total Requested Ring Attempts.
%## .##%Ring AttemptsYESmeasure
% Rejected Ring AttemptsThe % of the Ring Attempts where there was an explicit action from the Agent and clicked the button to reject the contact for the given timeframe and other filtering.

The percentage is calculated considering the Total Requested Ring Attempts.
%## .##%Ring AttemptsYESmeasure
Attempt TypeOutcome of the Ring Attempt. It can be Answered, Cancelled, Ignored or Rejected.stringRing AttemptsYESdimension
Answered Ring AttemptsRing attempts that reached an agent and were answered.sum##Ring AttemptsYESmeasure
Batch Ring IDUnique identifier for the Batch Ring (list of agents ringed)stringRing AttemptsYESdimension
Cancelled Ring AttemptsCancelled Ring Attempts can be:
1. that were answered by other agent listed in the same batch;
2. attempts where the contact person disconnected;
3. transferred contacts where the transferring agent disconnects the transfer
sum##Ring AttemptsYESmeasure
Contact IDUnique identifier for ContactsstringRing AttemptsYESdimension
DateThe time reference is used to filter the timeframe for analysis based on the started timestamp of each ring attempts.dateFiltersYESdimension
Device Unavailable Ring AttemptsDevice Unavailable Ring Attempts can be:
1. Main is closed without actually logging out/off.
2. Network problems
These attempts are not considered on the denominator to calculate Answered, Rejected or Ignored %
Queue/Ring Group FilterThe queue(s) or Ring Group(s) to use as a filter.stringnonefiltersYESdimension
Queue/Ring Group FieldThe field to add to your canvas that will show the Queue(s) or Ring Group(s) of your distribution and will reflect the option picked on the filter. This field shows how interactions are distributed.stringnonefiltersNOdimension
Ring Attempt DurationThe time between the Ring Attempt start and Ring Attempt finish in seconds.sumRing AttemptsYESdimension
Ring Attempt IDUnique identifier for Ring AttemptstringRing AttemptsYESdimension
Ring Finished at DateThe time when the Ring Attempt was Rejected, Ignored or Answered (available levels of data aggregation):
Day of Month
Day of Week
Hour of Day
Month Num
dateDate (yyyy-mm-dd)
Day of Month (1, 2, 3 . . . )
Day of Week (Monday, Tuesday . . . )
Hour (yyyy-mm-dd hh)
Hour of day (from 0 to 23)
Minute (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm)
Minute10 (yyyy-mm-dd hh:10, yyyy-mm-dd hh:20)
Minute15 (yyyy-mm-dd hh:15, yyyy-mm-dd hh:30)
Minute30 (yyyy-mm-dd hh:00,yyyy-mm-dd hh:30)
Month (yyyy-mm)
Month Num (from 1 to 12)
Quarter (yyyy-Q)
Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
Week (yyyy-mm-week starting day of the week)
Year (yyyy)
Ring AttemptsYESdimension
Ring Started at DateThe time when the Ring Attempt Started (available levels of data aggregation):
Day of Month
Day of Week
Hour of Day
Month Num
dateDate (yyyy-mm-dd)
Day of Month (1, 2, 3 . . . )
Day of Week (Monday, Tuesday . . . )
Hour (yyyy-mm-dd hh)
Hour of day (from 0 to 23)
Minute (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm)
Minute10 (yyyy-mm-dd hh:10, yyyy-mm-dd hh:20)
Minute15 (yyyy-mm-dd hh:15, yyyy-mm-dd hh:30)
Minute30 (yyyy-mm-dd hh:00,yyyy-mm-dd hh:30)
Month (yyyy-mm)
Month Num (from 1 to 12)
Quarter (yyyy-Q)
Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
Week (yyyy-mm-week starting day of the week)
Year (yyyy)
Ring AttemptsYESdimension
EmailThe user emailUserYESdimension
Ignored Ring AttemptsSum of the Ring Attempts where the ring time of the ring was exhausted before the Agent accepted the contact.sum##Ring AttemptsYESmeasure
Interaction IDCall/Interaction unique identifier.stringRing AttemptsYESdimension
NameThe user namestringUserYESdimension
Rejected Ring AttemptsSum of the Ring Attempts where there was an explicit action from the Agent and clicked the button to reject the contact.sum##Ring AttemptsYESmeasure
Team NameThe team of the last agent to whom the ring attempt was directed.
Null if such an agent is not on a team.
TimezoneBy default filters the distribution to your Account Timezone. You can pick another different timezone to be reflected in your report (account timezone can be changed under Admin >> Preferences in your account).stringFiltersYESdimension
Total Requested Ring AttemptsThe sum of all ring attempts for the given combination of filters and dimensions used.
Total Ring AttemptsAttempts that successfully rang the Agent.sum###Ring AttemptsYESmeasure