Outbound Dialer Campaigns
This dashboard provides an overview of the records reached by campaigns of the Outbound Dialer, as well as a high-level summary of each campaign's progress.
These are the available filters in the Outbound Dialer Campaign dashboard:
- Campaign name
- Date
Metric Name | Description | Calculation | Metric Type |
Outbound Dialer Average Talk Time | Average talk time between agents and records for Outbound Dialer answered calls. | [hh]:mm:ss | |
Outbound Dialer Pickup Rate | Percentage of Outbound Dialer calls which were successfully answered. | Number of answered calls divided by the total number of calls launched by Outbound Dialer. | Percentage |
Average Pickup Rate per Day | Percentage of Outbound Dialer calls which were successfully answered per day. | Number of answered calls divided by the total number of calls launched by Outbound Dialer. | Percentage |
Avg. Attempts Until Record is Connected | The average number of attempts until a record is connected. | Number | |
Outbound Dialer Total Talk Time | The total talk time between agents and customers for Outbound Dialer answered calls. | [hh]:mm:ss | |
Outbound Dialer Longest Talk Time | The longest talk time between an agent and a customer for Outbound Dialer answered calls. | [hh]:mm:ss | |
Total Outbound Dialer Calls per Call Disposition | Number of Outbound Dialer calls per call disposition. | Number | |
Outbound Dialer Abandon Rate | Percentage of Outbound Dialer answered calls that were abandoned by the record before being connected to an agent. | Number of abandoned calls divided by the total number of answered calls. | Percentage |
Total Contacts (per agent) | The total number of Outbound Dialer calls that were handled by the agent. | Number | |
AVG Talk Time (per agent) | The average talk time between the agent and the customer for Outbound Dialer answered calls. | [hh]:mm:ss | |
Total Outbound Dialer Calls per System Disposition | Number of Outbound Dialer calls per system disposition. The system disposition of a call is one of the following options: - Connected - No-answer - Invalid Number - Busy - Abandoned - Answering Machine - Hangup before connection | String | |
AVG ACW time (per agent) | The average "After Call Work" time of the agent. | [hh]:mm:ss | |
AVG handle time (per agent) | The average handle time the agent spends on a call. This corresponds to the sum between talk and ACW times. | [hh]:mm:ss | |
Idle time (per agent) | The average time per hour the agent was idle. This corresponds to the time the agent was in "Available" status. | [hh]:mm:ss |
Updated over 4 years ago