Outbound Dialer Campaigns

This dashboard provides an overview of the records reached by campaigns of the Outbound Dialer, as well as a high-level summary of each campaign's progress.

These are the available filters in the Outbound Dialer Campaign dashboard:

  • Campaign name
  • Date
Metric NameDescriptionCalculationMetric Type
Outbound Dialer Average Talk TimeAverage talk time between agents and records for Outbound Dialer answered calls.[hh]:mm:ss
Outbound Dialer Pickup RatePercentage of Outbound Dialer calls which were successfully answered.Number of answered calls divided by the total number of calls launched by Outbound Dialer.Percentage
Average Pickup Rate per DayPercentage of Outbound Dialer calls which were successfully answered per day.Number of answered calls divided by the total number of calls launched by Outbound Dialer.Percentage
Avg. Attempts Until Record is ConnectedThe average number of attempts until a record is connected.Number
Outbound Dialer Total Talk TimeThe total talk time between agents and customers for Outbound Dialer answered calls.[hh]:mm:ss
Outbound Dialer Longest Talk TimeThe longest talk time between an agent and a customer for Outbound Dialer answered calls.[hh]:mm:ss
Total Outbound Dialer Calls per Call DispositionNumber of Outbound Dialer calls per call disposition.Number
Outbound Dialer Abandon RatePercentage of Outbound Dialer answered calls that were abandoned by the record before being connected to an agent.Number of abandoned calls divided by the total number of answered calls.Percentage
Total Contacts (per agent)The total number of Outbound Dialer calls that were handled by the agent.Number
AVG Talk Time (per agent)The average talk time between the agent and the customer for Outbound Dialer answered calls.[hh]:mm:ss
Total Outbound Dialer Calls per System DispositionNumber of Outbound Dialer calls per system disposition.

The system disposition of a call is one of the following options:
- Connected
- No-answer
- Invalid Number
- Busy
- Abandoned
- Answering Machine
- Hangup before connection
AVG ACW time (per agent)The average "After Call Work" time of the agent.[hh]:mm:ss
AVG handle time (per agent)The average handle time the agent spends on a call. This corresponds to the sum between talk and ACW times.[hh]:mm:ss
Idle time (per agent)The average time per hour the agent was idle. This corresponds to the time the agent was in "Available" status.[hh]:mm:ss